Kansas City Faith Leader Blames White Jury For Injustice

Racially charged insinuations of bias turn a tragic situation into another local rallying cry against systemic racism.

Here's a scathing indictment of the legal system following an involuntary manslaughter conviction in a controversial shooting.

Here's the quote with the highlight . . .

“We challenge every juror in this case who decided that Cameron Douglas’ life was worth six years to look in the mirror,” said Dr. Vernon Howard, the president of the SCLC Greater Kansas City Chapter. “It is unacceptable for there to be 11 white jurors and one Black juror in an urban core case involving black families.”

There has been no announcement of any formal court filing or appeal, just the letter writing campaign.

Legal experts KCTV5 checked with indicate trial judges have some leeway on sentencing but cannot overturn a verdict.

Brief aside . . .

It's uncertain if he's suggesting that racial quotas for jury duty would solve the problem - Given that system would also encounter inevitable and well-deserved complaints.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Murder victim's family begins letter writing campaign to trial judge after jury verdict

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -- The family of a man killed in Kansas City nearly three years ago is devastated by a jury verdict issued Friday. Earlier this month, the family of Cameron Douglas took to the courthouse steps to protest a series of delays that made them wait more than a thousand days for that verdict.
