Kansas City Activist Defund Police FAIL Exposes 'Local Control' Hypocrisy

Here's the problem . . . 

Right now every two-bit social justice warrior pouting over Mayor Q losing a critical police budget court battle reveals the danger that half-baked activists pose to public safety governance.

The law is clear and Mayor Q OBVIOUSLY made a miscalculation in a sketchy political ploy. 

But it gets worse . . .

For all of the crying about budget 'transparency' — Neither Mayor Q nor his supporters on council EVER offered the public a glimpse at the proposed budget for the "Community Services & Prevention Fund" that would have "reallocated" (defunded) 42 MILLION BUCKS from KCPD. In effect, Mayor Q's EPIC SLUSH FUND proposal was EVEN MORE SECRETIVE than KCPD budget numbers that are, actually, posted online."

Sorry to keep repeating this inconvenient fact but for TKC this is where the Mayor's argument falls apart . . . Advocating for budget "transparency" while keeping proposed spending secret is hypocritical at best. 

Moreover . . . 

The highly politicized response from advocates of local control is even more terrifying. 

The arguments are emotionally charged, hinged on allegations of systemic racism, payback and revenge. 

Worst of all . . . Local control supporters always FAIL to answer one question . . . 

Why should Kansas City voters support so-called "local control" of police when city hall management hasn't done much to increase public confidence in the Water Department?!?!

The answer is always something along the lines of: 

"Everybody else has local control!"

STL used that same argument and their takeover has proven disastrous. In fact murder numbers on the wrong side of Missouri are downright horrifying.

And so . . . 

As we approach the final quarter of the year . . . We're forced to endure more advocacy that offers a great deal of emotion, threats and anger without any hope of forging a political public safety consensus as violent crime rates continue trending upward.

Developing . . .
