Double Down: Johnson County 'Dark Store' Tax Threat Exposed

Misdirection seems to be the theme of today's local stories . . .

Here's a brilliant explanation of a taxpayer scare tactic and switcheroo . . .

County Chair Ed Eilert warned the Shawnee Mission School Board a few years ago that a similar decision in a Target store tax appeal caused the retailers’ tax liability to plummet by 30%.

“That’s a lot of money that’s not collected,” he told the board. “And if it’s not collected from that class of property, who pays? All of us that are left, and that means residential properties.”

Eilert is essentially saying the county will make homeowners pay more if the county isn’t allowed to steal from retailers.

Read more via news link . . .

Dark store theory: counties break the law, threaten residential property tax hike - The Sentinel

Even the name - dark store theory - sounds ominous. With the willing participation of local media, some local officials are threatening homeowners with property tax hikes if they don't get away with illegally taxing large retailers.
