Usually, on Halloween it's our blog community tradition to have a "costume" party and dress up some of our favorite politicos.
Sadly, once again the plague has prevented us from socializing.
Moreover, with the ongoing mask mandate . . . A costume party is redundant.
Also . . . COVID masks might help protect us but they also seem to make everyone less interesting . . .
Additionally . . .
The current cultural shift has turned nearly every politico in Kansas City into a some sort of social justice advocate.
Everybody is wearing the same disguise .
A costume party among our ruling & chattering class would seem a lot like that weird orgy from Eyes Wide Shut.
Still, Halloween is one of our favorite holidays and so we decided to celebrate the tradition by unmasking a few locations that deserve a closer look.
Take a peek . . .
This project started out as an allegedly cost-free transit endeavor that would turn this cowtown into an international destination with a world-class airport wherein travelers would linger, shop and enjoy modern art.
Sadly, amid constant slap-fighting over contracts . . .
COVID has made the foodie destinations and retail offerings seem obsolete even before they open. The cattle herding design seems outdated and the smaller airport is unlikely to inspire weary travelers who would rather telecommute.
The Downtown Kansas City Renaissance
This one is easy . . . It's a ponzi scheme.
Big promises have inspired suckers taxpayers to spend good money after bad in hopes of a payoff that will never come.
More than a decade and HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS INVESTED and we still haven't been awarded that pro-sports team that was touted or anything but a small class of elites profiting from real estate shenanigans whilst the rest of the city crumbles.
The New Downtown Stadium
The proposed ballpark inside the loop is nothing more or less than a monument to cowtown corporate oligarchy.
If Kansas City builds this garbage . . . It'll be a clear sign that our politicos work for big biz and the super rich whilst most of the plebs won't have the cash to visit the park.
It's doubtful that a consistently bottom ranked team will attract many tourists.
And so the stadium might also serve as a tomb for Kansas City's financial future.
We're doubtful that the ruling class will be able to swing it . . . But our optimism about Democracy has often been thwarted by flashy commercials, hype and a seemingly endless array of two-faced elected leaders.
And so . . .
We hope you have a good night and hopefully will have more for the mid-morning update . . .
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- The Management