The process of chopping up Kansas City voting districts is happening quickly in poorly attended Zoom meetings and out of sight of most people with anything resembling a life. 

Thankfully . . . TKC isn't burdened with middle-class trappings like a wife and children who inevitably grow to hate their father anyhoo . . . 

And so, we take a look at how this nightmare is going to play out as post-9/11 Kansas City moves several steps closer to bankruptcy and worsening political upheaval.  

Check-it . . .

Not to brag but our blog community was FIRST to break this story at the outset of the week.

Now . . . 

Info sent our way offers a stark picture of the future . . .

On the QT and very hush, hush here's the FIRST peek at impending disaster via list . . . 

We can't really say much but after the first meeting the process of getting together maps for public view is underway.

The surprises that are in store . . .

- There's already a map which combines most of the 3rd & 4th District given a surprising number of economic and development similarities.  Kansas City has wanted to move district lines horizontally for quite some time but this shift could (unwillingly) unite Black & Brown districts into a Midtown behemoth wherein urban core leadership could entertain us all year-long with constant slap fighting. 

- Downtown Kansas City becomes a Northland district?!?! It's a small price to pay to follow voting rights rules regarding representation. Even better . . . Northland bickering with downtown hipsters would also provide quite a few lulz. 

- The South side will suffer . . . Despite EPIC investment in Cerner . . . This part of Kansas City simply didn't advance in population and they'll continue to be overlooked. Bright side . . . Moving big money districts out of the 4th and into the 6th might bring more economic influence to this part of KCMO. 

One more thing . . . 

We're seeing an undercurrent of opposition against redistricting leader Pedro Zamora . . . Most of the push back seems to be petty jealousy and gossip that's not worth repeating . . . But that's how most news stories originate and slowly work their way to the mainstream. 

TKC believes Mr. Zamora is well-qualified and a great rep for KC's Latino community . . . However, the history this town's Hispanic community is fraught with infighting and a great many "denizens" would rather have no representation at all than suffer the thought of one of their own getting ahead. 

Now . . .

A decision on this entire process is due in December so there really isn't time to deal with pesky deets like public participation. 

Expect a quick redraw and NOBODY happy at the end of this thing. 

Moreover . . . Behind the scenes . . .

Kansas City attorney Clinton Adams is already dominating this process. His experience, knowledge and command of voting rights issues outmatches all of the other redistricting commissioners. The 3rd District will benefit greatly from his advocacy despite their continued and consistent decline in population.

Developing . . .
