Question: Can Pro-Choice Crowd Ethically Support COVID Mandates?!?

The theoretical answer is yes.

First because logical consistency is for losers and doesn't really exist.

More importantly . . . 

Pregnancy isn't contagious . . . Or airborne . . . Even if that would be hilarious and it kinda seemed that way given all of my Latina friends who were knocked up in 8th grade whilst TKC was busy trying to hide the (humiliating) fact that I still enjoyed playing with Transformers & GI Joes and wasn't yet interested in dealing with the even more humiliating world of Midwestern dating.

But I digress . . . 

For TKC the question vaxx or mask mandate ethics isn't really so provocative but it's gaining a lot of traction in right-wing circles because . . . Again, nobody bothers to mention that you can't get pregnant from somebody's bad breath . . . Or else TKC would be father to a nation. 

Tucker explains this EXCEPTIONALLY RELEVANT ethical quandary far better than all of the drunk uncles on social media . . . Nevertheless, we welcome differing opinion and alternative perspective unlike just about everybody on the planet . . . 

You decide . . . 
