Kansas Prog Blog Demands Slavery Reparations For Labor Day

A labor lawyer with a great flair for economic theory and a lot of his time on hands shares a mostly useless missive about an idea that's never going to happen.

However . . . The premise might deserve a bit of consideration for those of us who never take a break from following the American culture war. 

Check-it . . .

"If one of the most significant aspects of slavery — even if not the only one — was a massive disruption of labor relations, then a crucial part in the reparations discussion could involve reshaping the labor relationship between employers and employees today.

"I believe such a reshaping of the labor relationship would substantially benefit the descendants of enslaved people in the United States. Labor, as my research has argued, has implications for all aspects of life and labor reform would, I believe, address many of the problems of structural racism as well."

Read more and try to avoid eye-roll strain via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Slavery was the ultimate labor distortion: Empowering workers today would be a form of reparations | Kansas Reflector

The conversation about reparations for slavery entered a new stage in 2021, with the U.S. House Judiciary Committee voting for the creation of a commission to address the matter. The bill, H.R. 40, has been introduced every Congress since 1989 by Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee and John Conyers, until his death in 2019.
