As the American economy continues to decline, The Kansas City Star believes that charging readers nearly 1000 BUCKS A YEAR will save their failing efforts.
Special thanks to KICK-ASS TKC READERS who called our attention to this tidbit which demonstrates that a great many local Facebook groups have far more readership than a collection of cliquish dead-tree newsies . . .
"The Star, like most but not all metros, is losing paid print circulation fast. Its most recent publisher’s statement with the Alliance of Audited Media for the six months ending March 31 shows an average daily paid print circulation of 41,105 and a Sunday paid print circulation of 59,122, roughly half of what it reported in late 2017.
"Print plus digital does not come cheap, either, as I wrote three years ago when I found a shocked Star subscriber facing an $846 renewal invoice."
Those numbers clearly demonstrate that THE CONVERSATION HAS SHIFTED and the newspaper no longer has the numbers to influence the discourse as they continue to fight to garner attention and make a myriad of promises that most longtime newsreaders have heard throughout their years decline.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .
McClatchy promises more journalists and an expanded Sunday print edition - for The Kansas City Star and three others, at least - Poynter
When a hedge fund acquires a newspaper chain, cuts, cuts and more cuts ensue, right? That has proven true for Alden Global Capital, most recently after it took over Tribune Publishing in late May. But perhaps budget slashing is not the only move for Chatham Asset Management, which bought McClatchy out of bankruptcy roughly a year ago.
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