Kansas City Star Circulation Numbers Continue Death Spiral

Since McClatchy is no longer a public company, they no longer have to share advertising numbers . . . But a quick look at page count confirms abysmal returns for that revenue stream.

HOWEVER, for the sake of advertising rates . . . Newspapers have agreed to make their circulation data public and KICK-ASS TKC READERS have noticed some troubling data for the so-called Kansas City paper of record.

Check-it . . .

"Average subs Sunday thru Friday 43,725 with another 32,078 online only. Pretty abysmal!"

Here's a sign that the paywall/donation model will have trouble moving forward given . . .  The Internets rejects dead-tree tactics and the newspaper still hasn't figured out how to make their content more valuable than so much other Internets garbage. 

Check-it . . .

Developing . . .
