Kansas City Hipsters Abuzz With Fight For Local Flower Rights

This story only matters to our progressive friends who earn over 70K per year and mistakenly believe that a few donations absolves the sins of their incredibly racist grandfathers.

Or . . . More likely . . .

This story allows middle-class white people a SAFE way to complain about KCMO policy without risking a treacherous deep dive into racially, economically and politically charged issues which test their flimsy belief systems. 

Check-it . . .

"Dennis Moriarty, 80, planted 1,500 square feet of wildflowers in front of his home to attract pollinators. Now he faces a city citation and and a possible court date if he doesn't trim the garden back."

Of course TKC wishes the old man good luck with his flowers as well. 

And sadly, I realize this post and so many other snarky missives like it is why I'm always getting trolled on Twitter by local 30-something nobodies who desperately want to fight against an imagined bully and/or the obvious disappointment of their fathers.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Kansas City Man's Plea For Native Flower Justice Unites Gardeners Around The World

Dennis Moriarty's yard overflows with milkweed, coneflowers and other native wildflowers designed to draw hummingbirds, bees and other pollinators. The greenery spills over retaining walls and creates a lush tunnel when a visitor walks up the steps to his home. Kansas City has ordered him to mow it down.
