Jackson County Statement After Rae’s Café Utilizes Private Club COVID Mask Loophole

To avoid shutdown a popular Blue Springs establishment became a "private club" and charged members just one dollar to avoid the Jackson County COVID mask mandate.

Just moments ago www.TonysKansasCity.com noticed word from the Courthouse . . . And it seems rather cryptic . . .

Statement on Rae's Cafe

"The County will take the necessary steps to ensure the health order is enforced. We have no further comment at this time."


Link Update . . .

9-7, Amanda Wohletz, Rae's Cafe Owner


What's next for Rae's Cafe in Blue Springs?

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Last week, Rae's Cafe in Blue Springs officially lost its food establishment license and was forced to close after it was found to have violated Jackson County mask mandate policies. On Saturday, the cafe reopened to customers, except this time as a private club , requiring membership and other special provisions.

Developing . . .
