Insider: KCFD Ordered To Cut Scanner COVID Chatter Amid Concern Over Resources

Right now we share a note sent our way that rings true.

A recent clip we posted inspired an INSIDER TO SHARE DEETS with our blog community regarding a myriad of concerns that have impacted these very brave 1st responders for years.

Here's the word via testimony . . .

The new ventilators mentioned in the video were taken away by the department. A ventilator is a highly complex piece of equipment that in a hospital setting, is run by a trained respiratory technician. The KCFD, and the leadership, (in their hubris) think that anyone can do that job. The department’s biggest failing is combining the ambulance and fire service…these are two very different skill sets and when you try and combine them, the result is sub par service. 

The KCFD is an EMS service that occasionally goes to fires. None of the middle management or higher leadership has any experience with operating ambulances. 

Another recent development is calling for other cities to help share the workload of ambulances because the department refuses to hire only trained paramedics, firefighter/paramedics are cheaper because of the way federal law (FLSA) dictates they are paid.

 Donna Lake, the chief, also recently told the membership to stop asking which hospitals are available to take patients because she doesn’t want anyone listening on a scanner to hear how desperate the situation has become with overburdened hospitals. 

The only clear choice for a sustainable future is for a separate city department to be formed to run the ambulance service by professionals.

Burned Out Member



More than anything, we don't want any members to be burned. 

More importantly . . .

We advise readers to understand this this is off the record testimony on the QT and very hush, hush . . . But those of us who know and respect KCFD realize that a great many of these concerns resonate no matter differing opinions on the longstanding debate. 

Developing . . .
