Slavery Stigma Dominates Kansas City Progressive New Scene

A growing number of readers are turning away from traditional news sources because the information shared doesn't really apply to their lives.

There are many reasons for this but today we notice that newsies focused on tragic American history despite a torrent of activity outside their politically charged bubble.

Examples . . .

The KC Parks group formed to study monuments to slaveholders hasn't met in 8 months

Kansas City has an opportunity to do the right thing. But the committee assigned to studying the renaming of city streets and monuments tied to slaveholders hasn't even met since January.

At Missouri's Bicentennial, Grappling With The State's Legacy Of Slavery

Missouri was beautiful. "Many parts of these prairies of the Missouri are extremely beautiful, resembling cultivated countries, rather than the savage rudeness of the wilderness," author Washington Irving wrote after an 1832 deer hunt near Independence. Missouri was a slave state.

Developing . . .
