Kansas Rep. Davids Pens Desperate Plea For Medicaid Expansion

Tonight we feature a local ask for more healthcare amid the ongoing plague . . .

Money line . . .

"Rep. Davids said the state is leaving federal dollars that could be used to improve health care in Kansas on the table while up to 165,000 Kansas residents go without affordable health care coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Rep. Davids announces new approach to Medicaid expansion in Kansas

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Rep. Sharice Davids hopes to help usher in Medicaid expansion for Kansas through a two-fold approach announced Wednesday amid ongoing budget reconciliation talks. Davids, a Democrat from Kansas who represents Johnson County, sent a letter to congressional leaders , urging them to keep enhanced incentives for Medicaid expansion in place for the 12 holdout states and create a federal plan to expand Medicaid in those states.
