Kansas City Weekly Hype: All-American Equity & Thieves Stay Winning!!!

There's a bit of coincidence in this post that's mostly just a "place" to file overnight noise . . .

It seems that city hall "equity" garners high praise whilst this late night clip also features tribute to a spot that was targeted by crooks earlier this week.

Check the description . . .

The City was recognized as an All America City for its dedication to providing equity throughout City programs. The award was presented to all City employees at an event this week.

The dog days of summer have arrived, and the Kansas City Fire Department has tips to help you stay safe and healthy.

Also, KC helped celebrate the Missouri Bicentennial at the Francois Chouteau Fountain this week.

Take a look at the www.TonysKansasCity.com embed . . .

You decide . . .
