Kansas City Faith Communities React To Demands Of COVID Crisis

At sundown we take a moment to reference how other cultures in Kansas City are coping with the COVID plauge. 

Accordingly, this column by Helene Lotman, president and CEO of The Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City, provides remarkable insight and historical reference . . . 

Check-it . . .

"This notion of “other” was also mentioned by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel in his study, The Prophets. “In a free society, few are guilty, but all are responsible.” In 1963, he proclaimed these words at the National Conference of Religion and Race in Chicago where Dr. King also spoke. This inspired many clergies to participate in the Great March on Washington calling for an end to racism and economic injustice.

"It is during times like this that I turn to our Jewish teachings for direction."

Read more . . .

Kansas City Jewish Chronicle: Judaism provides guidance for personal responsibility during pandemic

Developing . . .
