Kansas City EV Charging Might Impress AOC?!?

Local tech might help us save the planet given that we have less than 12 years left . . .

Money line . . .

"About 80% of EV charging occurs at home, said the National Resources Defense Council, and often in a garage or carport. For renters, about two-thirds lack access to such spaces, and EV charging access can be a further barrier. The Kansas City project seeks to better provide access to communities that have a dearth of EV charging infrastructure."

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Kansas City pilots streetlight-mounted EV chargers

The Kansas City Metropolitan Energy Center (MEC) is installing streetlight-mounted EV chargers as part of its City Right-of-Way pilot program. The project aims to test the efficacy of curbside charging for plug-in electric vehicles and use the findings to streamline efforts to support a diverse array of EV drivers.
