Dreamers Demand 'Welcoming' In The Dotte

Immigration reform isn't REALLY a thing in red state Kansas yet our progressive friends continue to hold out hope for change that they witness on some of the more entertaining cable news channels.

Fact is, a very big portion of the American economy runs on cheap, illegal labor but the true cost of this situation is a great deal of human misery that is mostly unnoticed and disregarded in favor of schizophrenic identity politics. 

Here's the local dream wish list for The Dotte . . .

"They want a community where young people don’t have to live with the constant fear that their parents will be deported; where. . . immigrants who are victims of crime will report them and show up to testify; where, as other cities that have adopted similar policies have found, crime rates are lower, there is less domestic violence and more prosperity as people feel freer to shop and participate in community activities."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Why won't Mayor Alvey put Safe and Welcoming Wyandotte on the agenda? | Kansas Reflector

The Kansas Reflector welcomes opinion pieces from writers who share our goal of widening the conversation about how public policies affect the day-to-day lives of people throughout our state. Judy Ancel is president of the Kansas City-based Cross Border Network and a retired labor educator.
