Right now we're featuring this note from a KICK-ASS TKC READER on the topic of weekend violence because it matches up with the sounds of sirens blaring through the night.
Here's the word . . .
TKC Reader: Kansas City 4th Of July Violence Hangover
I'm hearing there were nearly a dozen people were shot overnight in Kansas City, MO alone, topping off a violent weekend of about 20+!
This doesn’t include other areas around the metro, where there probably was bloodshed as well.
Violent crime seems to be more of a public safety risk than COVID is in KC, but our city’s “leaders” at 12th and Oak (and JPB) seem to be more interested in fighting with each other and the police than actually working on a plan to save lives.
Meanwhile the rest of the city will wake up with a hangover and enjoy their extra day off work while numerous families deal with the tragic realities of Kansas City violence.
You decide . . .
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