Overland Park Mayoral Candidates Answer Hipster Survey

Credit where it's due, this lazy bit of Golden Ghetto journalism still deserves a look even if cut & paste e-mail blogging without even a bit of original content isn't much better than all of those bots attempting to steal local content.

Nevertheless, here's a peek at election hype and preview of how voters will make their choice based on a glamor shot . . . Read more:

Candidates for Mayor of Overland Park answer The Pitch's survey on government transparency, equity, and the status quo

Clay Norkey, Curt Skoog, and Faris Farassati, candidates for mayor in Overland Park's primary election. We asked the candidates running for mayor in Overland Park's primary election some hard-hitting questions. We wanted to determine their stances and commitments to improving equality and transparency issues that have plagued the city's current leadership.
