Kansas Guv Kelly COVID Crackdown Advises Masks & Social Distancing

Many school officials are slow to move on new public health precautions but the "science" has spoken and the Kansas Guv recently offered her recommendations.

More guidance . . .

"The governor issues the updated guidance Friday as school districts prepare to welcome students back to classrooms in the coming weeks. 

Governor Kelly said the new masking guidelines puts the state in line with recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

State health leaders also said school districts should be working with health departments and other agencies to plan vaccination clinics for students and families."

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Kansas recommends everyone should wear masks while inside school buildings

by: Heidi Schmidt Posted: / Updated: TOPEKA, Kan. - Kansas Governor Laura Kelly issues new guidance as the delta variant spreads across the Midwest. The governor joined health experts to formally recommend that school districts require masks for everyone age two and older while inside school buildings.
