Kansas City Urban Planner Prof Proves He's Never Performed Home Repair

Fun link for closer readers offers yet another plan to save Kansas City that obviously won't work.

The bright idea: Fix old buildings to house po'folk as the CDC moratorium ends.

Money line . . .

(The good professor) said that it can cost taxpayers about $15,000 for demolition. He said that is money that could go into repairing it. He said the first step is finding ways to help people finance the renovation.

For many dilapidated buildings that pittance wouldn't even cover fixing the roof. Even worse, KC abandoned home & demolition has stalled due to a lack of funds. 

Still, we appreciate all ideas from amateur urban planners if only because the ideas make for great "intellectual" conversation that has no basis in the real world.

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UMKC professor: Solution to affordable housing is restoring older apartment buildings

Now that Kansas City's hotel initiative to help the homeless has ended, the question becomes what's next for people in need of permanent housing?Kansas City said that more than 50 of the hotel residents found employment.
