Kansas City South Side Confronts Property Tax DOUBLE Spike

Resistance against Jackson County inflation is taking hold.

Whilst pre-COVID political push back has been forgotten . . . Other parts of the Kansas City metro have quickly discovered the importance of keeping up with the local discourse as it relates for personal finance.

Money line . . .

"Home values are soaring in many neighborhoods, so it’s no surprise that property tax assessments are up as well. Jackson County Administrator Troy Schulte warned more than a year ago (before COVID, lumber shortages and a seller’s market coalesced to limit the supply of homes for sale) that eight neighborhoods should expect significantly higher assessed valuations in 2021. Many of the areas he named were in south Kansas City, including Waldo, Martin City and 49/63 along Troost Avenue. Now homeowners in these places are reporting an increase in property tax values of 10-15%, following equally big or bigger jumps in 2019.

"That’s nearly double this year’s average residential tax increase of 7%, according to Gail McCann Beatty, Jackson County director of assessment."

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Property taxes increase in south KC. Can seniors get a break?

Home values are soaring in many neighborhoods, so it's no surprise that property tax assessments are up as well. Jackson County Administrator Troy Schulte warned more than a year ago (before COVID, lumber shortages and a seller's market coalesced to limit the supply of homes for sale) that eight neighborhoods should expect significantly higher assessed valuations in 2021.
