Kansas City Faith Blogging Space Monsters & The Big Lie

Recent info from the Pentagon raises the chances of alien spacecraft visiting planet Earth . . . Meanwhile we're still searching for intelligent life here in Kansas City.

Thankfully, this town's most prolific writer on faith & morals offers a prep course in dealing with new friends & visitors who will likely be using us for food & supplies . . .

"The only people of faith who may be resistant to the idea of other sentient beings elsewhere in the cosmos, probably, are those who engage in a literal reading of scripture and believe that human beings first appeared on Earth a few thousand years ago essentially looking and thinking like they do today.

"Other religious people who have at least some grasp of science and the theory of evolution know better, while still believing in a beneficent god."

Read more . . .

Suppose we find intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos

The ancient question is being asked again, this time by serious scientists and government officials: Are we alone in the universe? (When my kids were growing up, I was rarely alone even in the bathroom.) And, if we are alone,...
