Kansas City Faith Blogging The Prosperity Gospel Vs. COVID

This town's top writer on faith & morals offers a peek at a pop culture trend that confronts doubt in the aftermath of the latest global plague.

Money line . . .

"Theology really doesn't get tested until it runs into some kind of challenge, some kind of catastrophe. It's then that you see whether your theology makes sense, whether it can offer explanations, even comfort."

Meanwhile . . .

So many Christians obsessing over pain, suffering and the inevitable demise of mere mortals seems like a bit of a protection racket to some of the more and skeptical and snarky adherents of the faith.

Read more . . .

When one's theology runs into reality -- and changes

Sometimes it takes a crisis for people to see their theology clearly. And make no mistake. Everyone has a sense of theology. Everyone has some internal sense of how to answer the eternal questions, of how to describe God or...
