We could pretend to care about this one OR try to be honest with our blog community.

Here's the breathless report for tonight that might or might not make a difference in the lives of local plebs depending on how "triggered" they are about haughty office chatter . . .

"Every member of the 3-person team has been fired by the DA. The first for not getting along with coworkers and then later, the remaining two after recordings surfaced of office chatter revealed troubling personal views. Those recordings were done secretly, by the first one fired. 

"He took the recordings to Human Resources, and also gave them to a local TV station that's trying desperately to drum up excitement about this municipal drama."

Read more . . .

Community reacts to conduct of Wyandotte County's Community Integrity Unit

KANSAS CITY, KS (KCTV) -- The Wyandotte County District Attorney's office hasn't heard the end of the chaos created within the Community Integrity Unit, and some community leaders are wondering if integrity can ever be restored. Every member of the 3-person team has been fired by the DA.
