The American Jobs Plan Saves Kansas City Water Money?!?

Here's a bit of hype for more D.C. free money which STRANGELY offers a hopeful view of this town's old & busted pipes along with our beleaguered water department and the promise of savings.

Money line that goes even further than Mayor Q's D.C. junket this week . . .

"A decade ago, Kansas City pledged to use grey infrastructure to eliminate combined sewer overflows over 25 years at an estimated cost of $4.5 billion. In the early years of the effort, the city’s wastewater fees nearly tripled, creating a significant burden on local ratepayers, which drove the city to search for cheaper and more innovative approaches. Kansas City developed a different solution: 230 green infrastructure projects integrated with new digital technology to monitor stormwater flows. Today, even though the area experiences more extreme rainfall events than it did 10 years ago, total combined-sewer discharge is declining, and the city recently announced it intends to raise rates just 6 percent or less annually to fund its wastewater system improvements."

Read more . . .

The American Jobs Plan is a chance to reimagine nature as infrastructure

Across the country, habitat restoration and natural infrastructure improvements of every size and scope - from installation of backyard rain gardens, to integration of wetlands into road systems, to restoration of floodplains to capture flood water - support more than 220,000 jobs and $25 billion in annual economic output.
