COVID Spiked Kansas City Lust For Pr0n

COVID Spiked Kansas City Lust For Pr0n

An important fact when we talk about the Internets publishing game . . .

As of June 2020, Pornhub is the 10th most trafficked website in the world

Moreover . . . A point we constantly make on this blog is that pr0n influences the mainstream culture overall and often serves as the prime mover in tech.

Accordingly, the mere concept of "addiction" isn't really adequate when talking about the pervasive influence of pr0n that has now become an integral facet of the American experience.

Read more . . .

Kansas City-area porn addiction counselor says client list grew during pandemic

KANSAS CITY, MO - In June of 2020, 41 Action News Anchor Taylor Hemness spoke to Crystal Renaud Day, a Kansas woman who specializes in counseling women with sex and pornography addictions. At the time, Day said that her client list had grown in the three months since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
