Social Media Crackdown On Prez Trump: Free Speech Or Free Marketplace Of Ideas?!?!

Politics aside, consumers don't really have a right to somebody else's website and overwrought "FREE SPEECH" complaints clearly didn't read the user agreement but also FAIL to realize the true scope of the INFINITE INTERNETS.

Put simply, from our perspective . . . 

Whilst pundit hacks offer sketchy 1st Amendment arguments, the social media crackdown threatens to spark a renewed interested in OPEN WEB tech that offers Internets denizens freedom to experience the online world outside of sloppy advertiser driven algorithms mostly programmed by overseas slave labor.

Still, we know the knee jerk reaction here is to denounce the tech bro billionaires which is also fun. 

And so we ask . . . 


FB is still a great place to spy on frenemies, Twitter is still tops for making blood curses against strangers. 

Meanwhile the NEXTGEN is handing over data and far too many personal deets on TikTok & Snapchat.

But again . . . We feel like this crackdown will inspire people keep exploring the online world rather than taking direction from MSM opinion makers.

Links for perspective . . .

WT: ACLU raises concerns amid Twitter's ban of Trump

Independent UK: Former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly says Twitter will ban users who are ‘on the right or not woke’

Fox News: Gab gaining 10,000 users per hour, CEO claims, after Trump's permanent Twitter suspension

New York Post: Trump fans ditch Twitter en masse after president’s suspension

AP: Squelched by Twitter, Trump seeks new online megaphone

FN: Kirstie Alley condemns Twitter for banning Trump in series of tweets

UST: Rush Limbaugh deactivates his Twitter account after President Trump permanently banned

Politico: Hey, Twitter, Are You Sure About This?

Developing . . .


  1. Parler will live forever!

  2. ^^^

    it' Gab.

    Trump is on Gab now, stupid.


  3. What is happening is high treason. Funny how twitter has accounts from dictators and terrorists around the world.

  4. trump took on the ruling class and lost, now they must make an example of him lest someone else think about challenging the ruling elite.

    The onslaught on free thought sites is to nip in the bud any threat to their power and money. Can't have ppl discussing all the conspiracy theories like there is so much money at stake that ppl would rig an election, promote a fake plague...who controls the stimulus money now, who makes billions off of tests, masks, vaccines. Who make billion off shu downs and lock downs.

    Who makes money continuing the fake dem panic plague.

    Billionarries nearly doubled their wealth in 1 are you doing?

    Just so happens they also own and control the msm that keeps amplifying and promoting their globalist anti American anti white narratives that just so happen to be in their interests.

    But what do I know, I'm just a wacko conspiracy theorist.

  5. That was thoughtful of Limbaugh to kill his Twitter account; most social media users leave tombstoned accounts behind after they take a dirt nap.

    Now he should do the same for his FB, Parler and other accounts.

  6. I have to tell you I checked Tonys site first thing this morning to make sure it was still up. And thank God it is. These are dangerous times.

    The patriotic folks working on Convention of States to use the Fifth Amendment to have a constitutional convention that would require a balanced budget and term limits? Those folks are under fire and risk being deplatformed by Facebook. Shame on Zuckerberg.

    Never forget that he stole his business from his partners the Winklevoss twins.

  7. Trump and his death cult are murderous traitors. Twitter was right to deplatform them after their failed coup attempt they need to hunt down each of the treasonous cult members and lock them up for life. This includes Trump, Hawley, Cruz, and the rest of the Republican Congress who backed the overthrow of the government.

  8. "Rush Limbaugh deactivates his Twitter account after President Trump permanently banned"

    And this is bad because... ?

  9. “First they came for Trump supporters, and I didn’t say anything,

    Because I didn’t attempt a coup, smear shit all over a building, or take part in a riot where 5 people died.”

  10. ^^Ha! So true! Today’s winner! Ding ding ding!

  11. Is Tracy auditioning for a the part of Kay in a remake of Mary McCarthy's "The Group?"

  12. 8:32 Dead on the money.

    The all out onslaught against Trump and his supporters over the last 4 years, actually worked. The Russian Collusion lies while a complete fabrication, paid for by the D卐M☭CRAT party,"stove piped" through Yahoo and Buzz Feed which in turn provided lies/articles that were then used to acquire warrants of all types to spy on the campaign in hopes of finding criminal activity, provided a maelstrom of disruption and distraction that weakened the Trump administration.

    THERE IS NO RULE OF LAW, and predicates were NOT needed in order to persecute/prosecute Trump associates and supporters.

    Trump's questions (Now proven factual) into the Burisma/Ukraine scandal, were literally used to Impeach him. Orwellian. Big Tech supported and helped - literally pay for this agenda. Big Tech's ties to China can NOT be understated and the "Globalist Reset" we are hearing about, is actually just a cover for the Red Chinese to acquire more power on the world stage.

    It works and make no mistake about it, we are losing and losing big time. Big Tech's suppression of the New York Post story, now, again, confirmed (In spite of 50 former 'intelligence' officers, lying/swearing it was "Russian Disinformation"), worked and worked well. Only about 35% of Americans were aware of the Hunter Biden - Laptop scandal on November 3rd. To this day, only about 50% of Americans are aware of the Biden families billion dollar pay for play cash that directly comes from Red China. Only about 20% of Americans are aware that the Mayor of Moscow's wife (A notorious, Russian mafia family paid 3 million dollars to the Biden family 2 years ago.)


    All of the above, in spite of the idiot-retards like the "CHUD" guy, is categorical fact. The is, voluminous evidence of election fraud in 2020 (I have posted dozens of URLs here in this site - I know - TLDR- whatever moron) that the Media, the Deep State, the D卐M☭CRAT party and Big Tech do NOT want you too see and they willfully suppress while knowing the information is true.

    Big Tech, the D卐M☭CRAT party and the MSM engage in "Gas Lighting" the American people on an ongoing basis. Their recent success, finally, all of them, conspiring, with criminal, Mens rae, premeditation the coup of the Trump administration worked, ONLY because of the assistance they received from BOG TECH.

    The next logical step, is to fully and completely, now that 75 million Americans know just how mendacious, malicious and criminal these groups are, is to silence all opposition.

    Make no mistake about it - Free Speech is in the crosshairs under the guise of the threat from "Domestic Terrorists" which, obviously will be defined as any white boy who doesn't support the Progressive narrative.


    Get ready for a Red Chinese, Social Credit score world where your movements, activities, purchases, associations and economy will be determined by your level of enthusiasm for the Totalitarian fuckin scum on the Left that rule over us all.

    I pray, Jack Dorsey, Mark Suckerberg and the cocksuckers at Google get cancer in their fuckin eyes every night.

    1. May you suffer perpetual pain and s gooey death for your ignorant hateful ways, chuck

  13. Notice how the lefists responding here never have an argument.

    Big tech, globalists and dems need to suppress any counter thought because they know they can't win a debate on facts or logic, that's why censorship is so important to them.

  14. The Demoncraps are using the ChiCom's practices of silencing all of their critics. They are quickly embracing totalitarianism. Jack Dorsey and others will soon be meeting with leaders in Beijing to see how they can be more like them. Maybe slave camps for any Trump loyalists are coming next.

  15. Notice how the right-wing terrorists posting on here are disconnected from reality.

    The right-wing traitors use violence to further their agendas. They are so disconnected from reality they actually believe the lies fed to them by their thought-leaders. They now they can’t win on the moral high-ground so they spring to violence to quiet their critics.

  16. Tony allows chuck to post his prayers for people to die, and continued use of Nazi symbols, but deletes posts who pray for chuck to die. That’s why all these comments must be shut down. Tony selectively moderates who speak hate speech.

  17. That idiot belongs in an institution; aka prison.

  18. 9:57 - ^^Relax! Your stim check will soon arrive and you can replenish your malt liquor supply.

  19. TKC is an eclectic aggregation of news stories from both sides of the Poitical spectrum. I think, though, that Tracy is correct. TKC is, no doubt, in the crosshairs of local, totalitarian minded D卐M☭CRAT beadles who would like to suppress any narrative that does not promote a totalitarian, social credit score city, where everyone is in lock step on in lock down.

    TKC is the ONLY place in this city, where you can actually get real time input and opinion from every one (Tens of thousands for sure, maybe more) who reads this blog.

    I WANT to hear from the CHUD retard and gleefully accept any and all criticism of any and all comments and stories here on this blog.

    It does not scare, or, intimidate me in any way. It is exactly what the founding fathers had in mind. ALL SPEECH SHOULD BE FREE, UNFETTERED AND IN NO WAY, SHOULD THE NEWLY AGGRESSIVE D卐M☭CRAT PARTY, BE ALLOWED TO SUPPRESS FREE SPEECH.

    Feel free to insult the fuck out of me.

  20. Per TKC...

    We feel like this crackdown will inspire people keep exploring the online world rather than taking direction from MSM opinion makers.

    So true.

  21. .^^Your right chuck. I should be able to say I pray for you to die everyday just as you are able to pray for people to die too. Tony allows you to post it, but deletes my post. That’s not free speech. That’s the opposite. Tony does not allow free speech here never has. He selectively chooses which hate to keep and which to endorse, so that’s why all comments must be closed down. Either you’re for it or you’re not.

  22. Okay, Chuck-Wucky-Chubby-Wubby-Cuddly-Poo-You, we will!
    Just like you do!
    Except we will use just plain English to point out to you what an ass you are every time you post one of your plagierized, ranting gobbledegook-filled mythological tirades.
    Just as we akways have!

  23. You haters call me names, sure. But you rarely if EVAR have a response that would contradict my premise or the points I make.

    You just call me names, which, I gotta tell ya, means you have no argument.

    Most people, with an IQ above that of a pet rock, KNOW THIS.

    Your insults reinforce my points and my arguments.

    "Chuck is an asshole." Now it may be true, that indeed, I am an asshole, but, you still lose the argument when that is all ya got moron.


  24. Funny that Parler is aleady deleting posts made there by Trump Supporters, and is rumored to be discussing a permanent ban on some of them, like Lin Wood.

  25. ^^Chuck, You just plagiarize things you see somewhere else and regurgitate them here as if they were your own thoughts. You are not an original thinker, you lie constantly, are a hateful racist, worthless misogynist, and a failure on every level. I don’t engage with your arguments because they are not yours. You’ve never posted anything you didn’t get from somebody else. You’re a CHUD. You solely exist to be made fun of. Truth.

  26. ^^^ you lose, the great and powerful chuck wins again! Hahahahaha!

  27. 10:46 and yet we make fun of you and you’re lame ass comments all day everyday! Hahahahaha!

    You are the bestus court jester we could evar have! Hahahahaha!

  28. ^^ weird amirite!

  29. Oh snap! Chuck just got knocked the fuck out!!!

  30. 10:59 Hitting that "40" kind of hard this morning. Go watch World Star, order Mickey D to be delivered and don't give a tip.

  31. Here is a great article from Daniel Greenfield which does NOT bode well for the future of free speech.

  32. 959 is a prime example of projection and pure stupidity.

    The leftist revolutionaries are backed by the establishment dems and republicans, big tech, fortune 500 companies, the CCP, billionaire businessmen, and the msm and they still think they are counter revolutionaries.

    Even with all that support they still need to censor free speech.

    How dumb must they be to think biden a 50 career politician is change or harris a california prosecutor and attorney general is for justice.

    Weall lost this election, the only winners are the establishment.

  33. It's a mistake on Facebook's and Twitter's part, as is the removal of Parlor from the app stores by Apple and Google. The democritization of news sources is a tide that cannot be stemmed, and rather than swimming with the tide these actions simply represent a new group of powerful men trying to take the position of "arbiter" of what is newsworthy and allowed to be heard, the position once held by a small group of news organizations.

  34. ^^and yet private companies have a right not to do business with murderous, seditious, treasonous, people. Weird.

  35. ..."and yet", "weird" boi, that's really the crux of INTELLIGENT debate. When every member of congress has an account and uses it as a primary means of conmunication, the platform transcends simply being a private company and becomes a journalistic source in the age of democritized news. This was a reason cited by the Supreme Court in their decision against Trump's attempt to block followers of his account.

    CBS, ABC, and NBC are private companies as well, but for many decades held a virtual monopoly as sources of news, and their journalistic responsibilities transcended their simple rights as a private company. I contend that we're beginning to see the same type of monopolies, and same journalistic responsibilities, being created by social media. The Supreme Court is giving indications that they agree.


  36. Nazis did the same thing with their "book burnings"..

    so long, free speech. thanks, Demo-rats.

  37. And yet @1:09 aka geriatric fucktard, when you join Facebook or Twitter, you agree to abide by their terms of service. Violate those terms by inciting a riot and you get deplatformed. Why is that so hard for geezers to understand you treasonous, seditious prick?

  38. 1:09: And yet CBS, ABC, and NBC were controlled by the Fairness Doctrine, which, until Ronald Reagan repealed it, prevented the likes of Fox News and similarly biased networks from existing. Weird. Facebook, Twitter, et al. are private companies, and I'm sure you don't want the socialists to dictate whom they may or may not have as customers, amirite?

  39. And yet @1:23 aka weird boi, as the Supreme Court has indicated, their increasingly monopolistic position as a means of primary communication by our leaders MAY trancend simple terms of service. You can debate ideas without personal insult. Just how "left behind" have you been to be so angry? Does a practically worthless degree in a social science and inability to interact with others in a courteous manner have you relegated to your parent's basement, cursing fate and blaming everyone else for your inability to succeed?

    See... insults are easy and anyone can do that. Intelligent debate and discussion is tougher.

  40. *^and yet you’ve been unable to engage in intelligent debate or discussion pops. Just excuse making for murderous, treasonous, seditionists. Weird.

  41. 1:31... the Fairness Doctrine was repealed by Congress, not Reagan, but the point is a valid one. The Fairness Doctrine existed by way of government granting private organizations use of a public asset (the spectrum / airways). Do the current protections that ISPs and social media have against the content posted by their users mean they enjoy similar government protections, have have the same responsibilities?

  42. Boycott Giant companies that HATE Free speech including Twitter,Facebook, Google,CNN and Apple.

  43. *Nah, boycott companies that openly advocate the murder of elected officials and armed insurrection like Parlor, Qanon, and OAN.

  44. Do not allow left-wing companies, fake journalists and career politicians to censor, silence and cyberbully you into submission. They will not be happy until we are all marching lockstep to their extreme left-wing propaganda.

  45. Do not allow right-wing companies, riot-inciting journalists like Rush and career politicians like Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, et al cover for police-muderimg, armed insurgents. They will not be happy until they suppress the will of the American people and agree to elections only if their candidates win. They are treasonous, murdering, seditionists.

  46. CHUDS on the Run

    Sung to the theme of Paul McCartney's Wings 'Band On the Run."

    Lyrics forthcoming

  47. Hmmm so antifa supposedly for anarchy, workers uniting and seizing the means of production and against corpratism is against ppl boycotting big monopoly businesses and criticizing poor maligned billionaires.

    Yes antifa, who is gonna lookout for and protect the bossman if not you?

    Yet it is antifa that is supported by mega international corporations, globalist billionaires, the msm, big banks and big pharma...makes a thinking person wonder why is that.

    Could it be that antifa is just a bunch of useful idiots, idiots that if successful will find themselves just as disposable and expendable as they claim the trumpers are?

  48. TL/DR. More lying geriatric fucktard bullshit.

  49. LOL trumpers storming the capital looking for politicians to hang and murdering cops while antifa pussies and fags whine about their feelings and corporate rights.

  50. ^^Yep! Further proof that old white peoples are the worst people in the world. Glad you agree. Takes a lot a balls to for a crowd of fat white geezers to beat to death an unconscious cop. White people should be proud! Plus they rubbed shit from their Drpends all over the Capital. Way to stay classy white America!

  51. ^^Bang! Truth bomb dropped! Casualties: the myth of white supremacy.

  52. Antifa larping again, can't do shit outside of Portland where the gov gives out free drugs and tents.

    How many ACABs has antifa killed, how many tyrannical federal buildings has it breeched. All talk and bluster.

    Go back to yelling at the unarmed and sacking your local target and corner 7/11.

    Funny how the revolutionary antifa stick up for the poor white boss men of amazon, Twitter and Facebook and whine about big corporate right to censor. Jeez without antifa who would stick up for corporate monopolies and's as if they are just useful idiots.

  53. Ahhhhhh, dumdums feeling hurt because an internet that runs on the backbone of private businesses shut down their calls to arms.


  54. Chuck, no one who is sane believes any of the horseshit you drop on this site. Your boy is a mob boss, plain and simple and he's been and is getting called on it.

    Only POTUS to be impeached twice. Way to go Trump.


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