Solving The Kansas City Truck Killer Problem

A local urban dilemma terrifies Kansas City because it reminds us that a great many truck drivers are zoned out and not really paying attention.

Check this pitch for a solution . . . Read more:

Low-hanging bridge in northeast KC keeps destroying trucks-can it be fixed?

Photo by Caleb Condit and Rebecca NordenA yellow sign with flashing lights delivers the warning: "12 FT. 0 IN." But every year, dozens and dozens of truck drivers fail to heed it, attempting to slip below the underpass on Independence Avenue in northeast Kansas City.


  1. There is a stupid electric speed mph alert digital sign a block from my house. I can use that and some other spare parts. Any vehicles approaching above a certain height, a large alert signal and loud alarm sounds. Feel free to bid for my services.

  2. ^^No. Go away.

  3. Time to deal with Pendagast's racist past

  4. Hire only truck drivers who know their numbers all the way up to 12. Problem solved.

  5. How the (bleep) does Pendergast have anything to do with the fact that Truck Drivers are idiots @9:57?

    Lady from New York goes to a Dude Ranch for the first time in the 1950s.
    She walks up to a guy and says, "Sorry to be so naive, but you're a real Cowboy, aren't you?
    "Yes M'am, I am. Did you guess that from the way I'm dressed?"
    "Well, yes I did."
    "Well M'am, everything I'm wearing had a reason - the big hat keeps rain and sun off my head, the bandanna around my neck stops sweat and can block out dust, the long-sleeved shirt fits tightly so keep folds from getting in my way, the Jeans are very tough and durable, and the Sneakers are so you can tell I'm not a damned Truck Driver!"

  6. ^^Too stupid/can't read.

  7. Wait so take payers should foot the bill for people too stupid to read? Drivers run a stop sign in my neighborhood, should the city pay to build a round about?

  8. is there no leverage at all to be used against the railroad to get them to lift that bridge? surely there is something the railroads want from the city or the state or the county that can be used as a this-for-that a little bit.

    but it seems like no, the way beardsley road was closed so long, seems like city has to just wait and wait for a railroad to take care of its lines and easements.

    or, where the hell is cleaver for a decade+ where is the federal pork for this? why didn't sly or kay barnes when they were racking us with debts, fix this problem, a clear infrastructure need ...

  9. Be wary what you wish for. @5:18, no, there is no way to get the railroad to raise the track. Not good design to make (even a long) hump in the railway, very expensive. Getting current railway companies to make improvements in their infrastructure: virtually impossible.


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