Show-Me COVID-19 Winning Missouri

More stark pronouncements as the numbers worsen and most of the public refuses to pay attention to warnings. 

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Parson urged to issue mask mandate- "We're at war and the virus is winning"

By Tessa Weinberg Missouri Gov. Mike Parson needs to issue a statewide mask mandate and "safer-at-home" policy to prevent the state's health system from becoming overwhelmed, Dr. Alex Garza (pictured, the incident commander of the St. Louis Metropolitan Pandemic Task Force, said Friday.


  1. Hopefully, just hopefully, parson now realizes that pandering to the progressives in kccomostl did not get him votes. In fact the took their prog bandwagon bus and ran right over him to try and get Galloway elected. Just like everyone with an ounce of common sense already knew. Let the progressive cities do their thing killing biz to force compliance. Leave the rest of us the fuck alone. We voted you in parson, we don't want to play the prog mind control games. No mask mandate and frankly we should amend the state constitution to say all county offices can only be held by citizens of that county.

  2. Amazing how bad shitty Louis has been through the whole plandemic and their “health official” wants the whole state shut down, stupid dimwits.


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