Quick shout out to one of our media pals and more options for our some of our readers who might feel more "comfortable" in a setting that's geared toward the right-wing.
Rob offers some thoughtful content that includes more than a few jokes and insights to break up the frustration from the MAGA crowd.
Even better . . . Newsmax is making progress in the media world and it looks like Rob jumped on the right bandwagon at the right time. Pun intended.
Newsweek: (Prez) Trump Calls Fox News 'Virtually Unwatchable,' Points Followers to OANN and Newsmax
Deets . . .
"Newsmax, which was founded by Trump's longtime friend Chris Ruddy, saw its primetime ratings increase tenfold the week after the election, the Associated Press reported."
Check Rob & his show and tell him TKC sent you . . . Don't worry about us, we'll manage to survive without some of our MAGA readers. Somehow.
ReplyDeleteActually like the NewsMax website better than Fox News website..
NewsMax website is much cleaner and concise.
Fox website has too many pop-up ads redirecting the viewer.
DeleteThen go there. AND NEVER come back.
^^ Good one, Vern.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Soros has purchased a fleet of Migs from Russia and will commence nuclear bombing of the whole world in January If Trump retains the Presidency!
ReplyDeleteStart digging a hole in the backyard
ReplyDeleteThe far-right Cult Of Trump moves even further away from Reality and into their dark dank universe of conspiracy and global plotting.
(Amusing that they think Humanity could carry out some sort of "vast far-reaching conspiracy" without screwing it up in six months, isn't it?)
Not a bad thing really, hopefully the Real Media will give them less and less publicity as they spin farther and farther out of relevancy and control.
The reality? America will will descend further into third world status as millions of illegals are given amnesty and forcing average middle class Americans pay the bill for their welfare. Millions of third world ‘refugees’, many who hate the west and couldn’t care a less about our constitution will be flooding in looking for handouts and will be given voting rights to change elections forever. Violence, homicides, looting and rioting will continue in fervor, especially in democrat run cities, all thanks to extreme PC whenever criminals are dealt with by the police. Productive people will continue to move out of these cities in droves as idiotic tax increases to pay for democrat idiocy instead of public safety and infrastructure, are imposed on them by clueless, liberal run city halls. Energy prices will double, maybe even triple thanks to extreme ‘green new deal’ like policies concocted by the left to fund their imaginary world of only renewable energy, while superpowers like China, Russia continue to produce more ‘pollution’ than America ever has. Normal pro family, pro life, pro marriage people of faith will continue to be castigated as the left continues to force their perversions of normal human behavior into society causing even more societal breakdown. Our youth will continue to be brainwashed by our educational system and institutions of higher learning on how America sucks and how our ‘racist’ history should be erased and our cherished monuments are torn down and/or vandalized.
DeleteNo, America will no longer be great thanks to idiotic, low information voters like you who continue to vote with their fragile feelings and not facts.
ReplyDeleteThe EU's Medical Agency just released a study indicating that use of Chloroquine and a related compound, Hydroxychloroquine, have been positively linked to psychiatric disorders!
ReplyDeleteLiberals not welcome stick with the fake news and rot. Liberals wouldn't understand the real news anyway they love lies and mindless chatter about who madonna is screwing or how Patrick Mahomes can catch a ball. " See DICK run"
Newsmax is run by the Tribe. ( Mark Halperin former darling on MSNBC is one of their reporters).
ReplyDeleteIt's just more of the same MSM bullshit.
Hopefully he returns the favor to Jared and gets him a job,after he is the one that kept Robs show afloat on KC radio
ReplyDeleteWorld Health Organization Warning:
This warning is for Democrat Party men only. The extended use of butt plugs has been found to cause colon cancer. We advise all Democrat men to refrain from their butt plug and seek help from their Obama Care physician immediately.
ReplyDeleteSurgeon General Warning: Democrat Party men; please be advised sucking cock during the Covid-19 pandemic can be hazardous to your health. Mask up.
Hi, I am a male Democrat Party member. Well, I am currently a male but soon will be transgender. I like to carry a Rainbow Flag and have other Democrat Party males stick their pee pee up my rectum.
ReplyDeleteReally, 9:27? Would you like to come fuck me in the ass! I live out in the country! I left Kansas Shitty! I called this early on and got out of Kansas Shitty while the getting is good. Y'all are on your own. I won't even wear a condom. You've seen the last of my money. Good luck with that tax thing at the end of the year. I love butt plugs, too! That's going to be a major clusterfuck. Expect to hear that "revenues were significantly less than expected" right after the first of the year. Not my problem. You did it to yourselves.