Kansas City Cold Case Solved Despite Historic 2020 Murder Spike

We can't help but have mixed feelings about this one . . . Justice is an important concern and we realize that families never stop grieving for loved ones who are killed. 

Meanwhile . . . The RECORD BREAKING quotient of KCMO killing continues to spike.

Either way . . . Any case solved helps this cowtown. Here's a really interesting story about stellar police work . . .

New DNA technology helps solve 31-year-old Kansas City murder case

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -- What happened to 16-year-old Fawn Cox has been a mystery for more than 30 years, but the case is now solved. However, it's tough answers for her family. Advanced DNA testing revealed the rapist and killer is Cox's own cousin, Donald Cox Jr.


  1. (insert racist libtard rants by white libtards that this only happened because she was white)

    How dare anyone solve a crime in Kansas Shitty!

  2. For many years the family asked for DNA testing, even offered to pay the costs involved but KCPD stonewalled them. So glad they have now gotten closure.

  3. Damn, I have followed this story. I am so glad that now they know. Her own cousin.

  4. I follow true crime closely too. Isn't it amazing that Jackson County who brought us Pendergast, Terry Blair, Bob Berdella and Robert Gross voted for Biden? Real shocker huh?

  5. Pray for the family.

  6. Ditto. At least they have an answer unlike most in Kansas Shitty. Good luck to the rest of them even though most people don't really give a shit. They just write it off as the cost of doing business. Any comments Q Ball? That's what I thought.

  7. Is that a Confederate flag on his bandana? Yup. It sure is.

  8. Bet he wished my ass still lived there and gave a pass to this crap. I don't and didn't when I did. It's one of the many reasons why I left. Have fun with it Kansas Shitty!

  9. Band from KC summing up life in Kansas Shitty pretty well and flying the finger. I'm thoroughly amused from a location to remain undisclosed well outside KC city limits and out of bounds for Jackass County. No longer my home. No longer my problem. No longer in my pocket. 😏 Raise taxes, kill business and shut everything down. I dare ya!



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