Early yesterday morning our KICK-ASS blog community broke FIRST NEWS about a great many protesters abandoning the tent city camp site in front of city hall.
Once again our typing goodness becomes NEWS FACT and so we share some entertaining perspectives to further the discussion.
To wit . . .
Kansas City activist lawyer Stacy Shaw shared this public message on her Facebook page and sparked a few news reports so far . . .
"After a historic 21 day occupation at KC City Hall, The People’s City is declaring a ceasefire as talks have begun with public officials regarding the reimagination of public safety and divesting funds from law enforcement. This historic effort was jointly led and sustained by an emerging political force within the houseless community and a multiracial coalition of organizers in Kansas City. We are eternally grateful for our fearless comrades, individuals and local businesses who donated supplies and resources, as well as restaurants who helped feed us along the way. Ultimately this is only the beginning. If we do not see the changes we want, if our communities continue not being served and well-resourced, we guarantee we will be back. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE. #ThePeoplesCity #DefundKCPD"
Here's a handy list she shared that lists the achievements.
Again, in fairness. Critics note:
Demands for the KCPD Chief were not successful. Outcry to defund police by at least 50% wasn't addressed and sanctions against the arresting officer of a pregnant woman have not yet been enacted.
And again, as we reported FIRST, the timing of the "ceasefire" comes remarkably close to many protesters abandoning the camp site amid bitterly cold temperatures.
But I digress . . .

Despite their demands unmet it's unfair to call this protest a failure given that the commitment of these demonstrators earned NATIONWIDE MAINSTREAM MEDIA COVERAGE. Moreover, the protest brought the topic of police brutality to the forefront of the local conversation.
Check follow-up news coverage reporting on the social media blast FOLLOWING TKC FIRST NEWS:
The Pitch: The occupation of City Hall comes to an end after 21 days
KSHB: Occupation protest outside KCMO City Hall ends after 21 days
KCTV5: Protestors who camped outside KC City Hall leave after 21 days
Accordingly, we ask our blog community . . . Was the protest effective given the level of awareness and strong reactions that it elicited?!?!
You decide . . .
At least they did something constructive with their time, it beats jerking around on the Internets.
ReplyDeleteGood for them for getting out there in the last nice weather of the year and making their voices heard!
That's sweet but most people actually had to try to find work or do their jobs. They didn't have all day to sit around in a tent.
DeleteDid they donate the tents? Some of the homeless in Downtown really need them. There are not a lot of places for them to go. They should keep the camp going in order to have some place to gather and feed all of the transients.
The good news is they won’t be dumping their crap buckets in the city hall vents anymore. Those chili dogs were murder.
DeleteConstructive? No, people that are constructive were working while they were larping are protestors.
DeleteHave to give credit to the mayor here, he kept this protest at arms length and for once resisted the urge to go out and march with them maskless.
Tax payers will fund the clean up of Hazmat level toxins from the feces, rotting fast food, needles, diapers, discarded unmentionables, used tampons and bio hazards of various and sundry types. The liberal media here in KC will never think of calling this ongoing, close encounter a "Super Spreader Event" and will return to the incessant Jeremiads concerning the coming KKK-White Supremacist apocalypse if Trump is re-elected.
ReplyDeleteStacy Shaw's Anencephalic played, out of date Stokely Carmichael (POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!) bullshit will be held in abeyance until the weather warms and the opportunity to once again, parasitically euchre money out of the middle class presents itself after a black guy, wanted for murder, resists arrest and is apotheosized by the local fucktards in the media.
See ya next spring.
Chuck has a way with describing a scene.
DeleteHe's kcmo/tck's banksy
Hes kcmo/tck's Goebbels
DeleteFor people who are constantly obsess about Nazis, you’d think they’d know not to start an occupation in the cold.
DeleteHas the media followed up on the threats these people made ?
ReplyDeleteWhat an utter embarrassment and humiliation for Stacey shaw.
ReplyDeleteNothing accomplished and folded like a cheap Walmart tent.
These jobless parasites accomplished nothing but making a mess. Bad campers with politics. Cease-fire? Too bad there's no cease-stupid.
ReplyDeleteThe next step that needs to be taken is suing Shaw for all clean up and repair costs.
ReplyDeleteMake that bitch start forking over some money and she'll STFU real fast.
Q. Where were the city health inspectors?
DeleteA. Looking the other way. Ticketing small businesses and shutting them down.
Stacy Shaw like Joe Biden has a long history of making nasty hateful racist comments.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump on the other hand has a history of improving the lives of black Americans more than Stacey Shaw ever will.
Is this a different Donald Trump? A guy named that who isn't president? That must be what you mean.
Delete"I am the least racist person in this room." - Donald Trump
DeleteYeah, if everybody else left the room.
FREE KC PROJECT- yet he’s still your President... weird.
Delete"The longest occupation on the city hall lawn"?
^^and yet he is not racist, weird.
ReplyDelete^^^^Your multi posts are a failure just like you.
ReplyDelete>We are eternally grateful for our fearless COMRADES...ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE. #ThePeoplesCity
ReplyDeleteCommunist agitprop. Red Shaw's "peoples' city" was just a handful of lazy malcontents. The real people to whom this city belongs are living snug in their homes, not destroying lawns, smoking dope, and leaching off of productive people. Bunch of goddamed commie hippies.
A ceasefire requires another party fighting them back right, these morons weren’t fighting anybody but themselves. Nobody gave a fuck about their personal crusade and demons, hell, the media pretty much ignored them so the whole thing was a joke and a complete failure. We all saw the video and knew immediately that this was a scam.
ReplyDeleteGit cold did it?
ReplyDeleteCeasefire my ass, things got rough and the pussies all ran home. This protest was a joke and a good city leader would have had their butts thrown off the front lawn so Lucas did support this bullshit same as he approved and promoted the damage done this past summer. Lucas should be fired and disbarred for promoting violence and lawlessness. Shaw as well should be disbarred.
ReplyDelete^^Yet neither of them have been disbarred, weird.
ReplyDeleteI do remember that Stacy Shaw threatened the police officers wives and children.
Threatening children is the lowest form of humanity and morality there is.
Cannot believe Mayor Lucas allowed people threatening children to camp out in front of City Hall for three weeks. Disgusting.
Read about the Soviet Union's Communism. Threatening parent's children was an often used tactic by the Communist KGB that now the Democrat Party has adopted here in the USA.
The cold weather ended their "Summer of Love" movement, leaving behind pee and poo and a stench that won't leave for years.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of horseshit. It got cold. They went home or wherever it was warmer. Stacy was the first one to go.
ReplyDeleteWe do know Ukraine and Communist China companies have bribed Joe Biden for favorable trade deals and his influence when Vice President.
Man I smell a bucket full of Bull Shit...OH that is only Stacy Shaw.
ReplyDeleteYour imagination. Only text, sound and image are transmitted over the internet.
DeleteWe do know Donald Trump downplayed the coronavirus, which allowed people to die who otherwise would have lived.
ReplyDeleteThe difference being it's actually a fact, especially when a Senate Republican committee found no evidence of your baseless claims.
Another lie from a Marxist Democrat:
ReplyDelete"The difference being it's actually a fact, especially when a Senate Republican committee found no evidence of your baseless claims".
The Senate Intelligence committee is reviewing Hunter Biden's 26,000 e-mails and texts, interviewing partners of Hunter Biden, following the money trail.
What the Senate Committee has found:
1. Joe and Hunter Biden received bribes from Communist China, Ukraine and other countries in the tens of millions to sell out American workers.
2. Videos of Hunter Biden having sex with underage girls. As of yesterday, said videos turned over the the Delaware State Police.
3. Videos of Hunter Biden smoking crack.
9:35 - Are you getting your News from CNN; the network that is Trump Hate 24/7?
ReplyDeleteHave you heard the latest about CNN?
"Bill Maher kicked off his opening monologue Friday night addressing the instantly infamous Zoom call Toobin had with his New Yorker colleagues, where he was allegedly seen masturbating, prompting his suspension from the magazine and a leave of absence from CNN".
"It's 11 days until the election, 11 days. I think the country is focused on one thing: Jeffrey Toobin jerked off on Zoom," Maher chuckled. "Jeffrey Toobin, he's a big CNN analyst... was whacking during a Zoom meeting in front of his colleagues!"
Wtf watches Bill Mahr?
ReplyDeleteWhen criticizing, please capitalize your acronyms and use them accurately. If you don't know what WTF means, consult a 10-year-old.
ReplyDeleteMuch better!
ReplyDeleteBill Maher is a huge Liberal making fun of CNN's perversions. Ironic.
ReplyDeleteDon't ya think it would be better for these Gov. leeches to get a job and then lobby for change instead of sitting in tents all day and night like socially illiterate parasites while everyone else pays their way? Liberal Democrats are good at that aren't they? I guess that's why they always vote for tax hikes, because we pick up the tab for them.
ReplyDeleteIf Joe Biden is elected prepare for a rollback of Trump's tax cuts we all received so you will lose $1,500 more a year.
If Joe Biden is elected; expect gas prices to jump to $4.00 a gallon to fund the new "Green Deal". That's at least $20 a week extra for workers to commute to work or $1,000 plus a year.
If Joe Biden is elected; your utility bills for natural gas and electricity will sky rocket to fund the "Green New Deal" of windmills and unicorns.
If Joe Biden is elected; you still will have to pay 25% more on your Jackson County home and automobile property taxes thanks to Democrat Party Frank White.
The Democrat Party takes your money.
The Republican Party let's you keep your money and creates jobs.
ReplyDeleteWonder who paid for all the tents for the BLM scammers..the "protesters" certainly weren't the outdoorsy, camping type.
What a bunch of cowards, it gets a bit chilly one evening and they all quit and bail out. chumps
ReplyDeleteThey weren’t up there most nights, they were mostly there during the afternoons and evenings, pretty sad and worthless “protest”
ReplyDeleteThe only hard work Stacy does is cleaning all the food out of buffets in the Metro.
Who are the businesses that contributed supplies and supported this taxpayer nightmare? I want know who I need to defund?
ReplyDeleteDouble whammy to the taxpayers that ironically they will probably be allowed a tax deduction for their political/charitable contributions.
Does anyone know who these "comrade" businesses are?
12:39 Plaza Management for sure! Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteJust joking, would like to know also.
@12:39 The Nelson, The Plaza, Westport, North Kansas City, practically everyone wanting them not to invade their communities and disrupt businesses and livelihoods with their nasty special needs occupation. Can you blame them?
ReplyDeleteWe need to know who funded these idiots. Was any public grant money involved? Did Stacy or her LLC pay for part or all? Political money involved? Good thing the contributed food didn't contain any laxative because they might have shit all over the City Hall lawn, oh wait ...
ReplyDeleteNow we need Lysol and Proctor & Gamble to step with some much needed supplies. BTW where was the Health Department during this occupation (health crisis)???
@ 11:44 - All of Sharice's heroes live in Tee-Pee's and shit in the grass.
ReplyDeleteActivism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole.
ReplyDeleteAs Napoleon found out sometimes the worst enemy is the weather!
ReplyDeleteAmen, virus spread is just one ignored consequence to society, but my needs first, F the rest of you.
ReplyDeleteIf Biden wins, get ready for $6/gallon gas, your paycheck cut in half for socialist causes and free healthcare for illegals, and blackouts throughout the country like California has had. We can't put solar panels and windfarms, which kill 573,000 birds each year in the U.S., over every ounce of farmland in America. And we still haven't figured out how to recycle solar panels. We burn coal, oil and gas cleaner than ever before. Get real, people.
ReplyDeleteDomestic cats kill two billion birds a year, so bird deaths from windfarms are 0.02% of that total.
DeleteIn brief, YOU get real, instead of staying so fucking stupid.
ReplyDeleteMASSIVE, massive victory for the campers!
OK, nothing changed, but, if Crazy Stacy sez they MUST be right!
^^^Nothing changed????? Were you not aware that they set a new local endurance record for camp-out protests on city property?
ReplyDeleteWe have bigger problems:
ReplyDelete9/11 deaths that day in NYC: 2,997
USA Covid deaths in 8 months: 224,000
More people will die of Covid in the next 3 days that during 9/11.
3:05 Your logic is lacking, fuc*up. Try getting people to keep cats in their homes. Much harder than using a traditional energy source. Funny how you ignore other negatives about windfarms and solar.
ReplyDeleteAre we going to supply the military with electric tanks and other vehicles? If so, we're going to get our ass handed to us. And good luck with that electric car if an earthquake, tornado or hurricane hits the power grid for a week's time, which is not far-fetched to see. A lot of that electricity for electric cars is being generated by burning coal.
ReplyDeleteFunny how you try and justify blatant lies. But that's MAGAT style.
ReplyDeleteThose Midwestern corn farmers depend on supplying ethanol to the gas companies. They don't take kindly to Lyin' Hidin' Biden wanting to destroy the gas and oil industry.
ReplyDeleteObama was right ...
ReplyDelete"I wouldn't put it past Joe to fu*k things up."
-- Barack Hussein Obama
A cease fire should called on the pregnant girls uterus bet shes knocked up again in a month.
ReplyDeleteF--k BLM avoid blacks they are trouble.
I regrettably voted for Obama, but the Democrats have gone off the deep end. They’ve become the party of lies, lawlessness, very late-term abortions, violence destroying once great American cities, high taxes on our paychecks to pay for socialist wet dreams, weak military, open borders, free healthcare for illegal aliens at taxpayer expense, defunding the police, sanctuary cities, taking away guns, sending $1.7 billion of our taxpayer dollars on pallets to Iranian radical leaders so they can kill more of our troops, packing the Supreme Court, and more idiotic ideas. No thanks.
ReplyDeleteI regrettably voted for Obama
DeleteAbout 44 hits
OK you can stop now. I think that's enough repetition, Ivan
Lyin' Hidin' Biden was the "the big guy" in at least one of Hunter's emails (Hunter is "H"), and he was to receive a 10 percent cut, which is equal to about $1 million for that one deal. So Biden was in on the deals. Not a good look for the Democraps' top candidate.
ReplyDelete"President Trump privately told donors this past week that it will be “very tough” for Republicans to keep control of the Senate in the upcoming election because some of the party’s senators are candidates he cannot support."
ReplyDeleteha ha
Indoor cats kill 2 billion birds per year? That has to be the dumbest effin' thing I have ever read on the internet.
ReplyDeleteAnything movement called "The Peoples (fill in the blank)" historically ends in the guillotine or people put against the wall and shot. Same for societies where people call each other "comrade". I hope students of history are following along so that history does not repeat itself here but I fear that those that notice are too few to be heard.
ReplyDelete3:45 The Swamp creatures -- RINOs -- like Romney and Sasse are an embarrassment to the Republican Party, but they're still a hell of a lot better than any Democrap in office! The Republicans are not losing the Senate because Americans want law and order. Look at all the Democrapic supporters in Antifa and other liberal groups destroying our major cities.
ReplyDelete“Get off my lawn”
ReplyDeleteStacy is preparing for the Big Riot when the Orange Man wins. She will bring looters and angry Rioting from 4 states. People from other communities will tear up the City .While the Conservatives,watch from 30 miles away.
ReplyDeleteWhen Covid hits big, really big this winter. and hospitals LOCK THEIR DOORS, and all businesses shut - people will have bigger problems. Does anyone acknowledge that this "virus" was initially found just 3.24 miles from China's only bio-warfare lab? And China is a huge country. 3.24 miles?
ReplyDeleteAnyone ever consider a bio-weapon-virus even accidentally loosed is in Kansas City and spreading? Or do you want to pretend its the flu?
Oil is dead until the world economy recovers. Who cares about oil? Who care about the election. A bio-weapon-virus is looking for you!
What virus? Why, we're rounding the corner! It's almost over, right?
DeleteIt's funny how Republicans think, isn't it? None of them can win using ideas anymore, because they don’t have any. All they can do is seek attention: gesticulate, wave their arms in the air, shout at the crowd, invent things, and try to attract the fame and attention they feel they deserve, even though they can no longer explain why they deserve it.
I don't drive anywhere anymore. $8.00 gasoline wouldn't bother me.
ReplyDeleteWell, I knew a little cold weather would drive that heifer indoors. Still, up here in the Northland, our lawns are ready for winter and we are planning our Thanksgiving dinner super-spreader events. We didn't ever really care about the tent city protest or that pregnant woman getting knelt on while being arrested. You see, our kids up here know how to respect the law, the police, and our fellow citizens. That's not bootlicking - that's responsibility and knowing how to function in a society. So you people south of the river keep worrying about the murder rate, keep worrying about how cops are mistreating the blacks, how Q-Ball poorly runs this city, because up here in the Northland, none of that affects us. We all have jobs, pay taxes, respect our neighbors, and we don't commit crimes and then cry about being arrested. Wonder if we can secede from Kansas City? Perhaps, Kansas City North or something like that. We'd be as rich as Johnson County, and our tax dollars wouldn't be diluted paying for crime, welfare, and free shit that is primarily used south of the river. You're welcome, Kansa City. And if you call me a CHUD, I'm moving to Liberty and not paying KC taxes and you will have to find another sucker to pay for your free stuff.
ReplyDelete4:57. You will be okay. But what about the rest of the economy going down the tubes due to high energy costss. It will bite all of us in the ass directly and indirectly, including you.
ReplyDeleteI too am okay. I have aquired lots of money in my old age, I am concerned about young families,, etc.. I am fortunate I didn't have to experience what's coming, that being when a Pandemic economy is turned over to tax and spend Democrats that's going to fix all of societys problems with an empty bank account.
542 Lots of words to say nothing, thanks for your worthless input.
ReplyDeleteBTW, democrats are the largest "look at me" demographic ever.
ReplyDeletePoliticians+Media+Entertainment Industry+SJWs+Hipsters+Activists+BLM+Antifa+LGBTQIA+etc.+ any combination thereof. (All voting blocks that have to be pandered to)
"Domestic cats kill two billion birds a year, so bird deaths from windfarms are 0.02% of that total".
ReplyDeleteMost U.S. Domestic Cats are declawed, fat and lazy like their American owners so I call B.S. on this stat.
Windmills are manufactured in Communist China like everything else and the pollution that China produces to manufacture the windmills far exceeds natural gas clean emissions.
Vote for Biden and the Green New Deal and Americans will be paying $5 + for a gallon of gas and $2,000 + in additional income taxes regardless of your income.
Green New Deal is a $100 trillion fiasco from a bunch of elitist Marxist Professors whose lazy asses are supported by the U.S. taxpayer and parents.
ReplyDelete2 billion birds killed by domestic cats?
Come'on Man !
Joe Biden
ReplyDeleteTotally amazing ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN never blame Communist China for developing and releasing the man-made bio warfare Corona Virus on the world.
Marxist Democrats are anti-Americans supporting Communist China.
Move to China Democrat Party members.......we would love for you to.
I would welcome California, Oregon, New York and Washington becoming their own country and all Democrats move there.
The Marxist Democrats can then do their Toobin while Zoomin and we Conservatives can enjoy law and order, low taxes, low gas prices and a great economy.
Soros invented the virus to get Trump. We are just collateral damage. So without Trump, had he never been elected - no virus. Trump brought it down on us.
ReplyDeleteIts a bio-terror weapon.
Free shit army just lost their commission! Too funny!! You fucking losers.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if there is a communist conspiracy as much as Stacy Shaw's eye for opportunity and 15 min of activist fame.
ReplyDeleteThe protesters will all get covid from each other and face $20,000 medical bills from their providers. That will take their attention off their previous complaints!