If TKC understands Vatican doctrine correctly, this week the Pope told the world to enjoy gay sex without guilt and it confused the Hell out of everybody. That might be an oversimplification but the funny hat distracted most American cafeteria Catholics.
More importantly . . .
To be fair, there's no guidance from Holy Mother Church about the former game show host who has an alleged penchant for raw-dogging sex workers.

Vice: Stormy Daniels - Trump didn't use a condom when he cheated on Melania with me
Still, as a matter of policy over sexy proclivities, Prez Trump is strongly aligned with the Catholic argument against abortion. Just this week the Trump administration signed an anti-abortion declaration on Thursday with 30 other countries, including conservative and authoritarian governments in Egypt, Uganda, Belarus, Saudi Arabia and Hungary.
Closer to home, hidden inside this screed is a SCATHING REBUKE OF VEEP BIDEN with a local connection . . .
CM: Exposing ‘The Most Anti-Catholic Ticket’ in US History
Local money line and a quote from one of the most outspoken Kansas City metro faith leaders . . .
"Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, challenged Biden's stated position. The former vice president once said he believed in the sanctity of life. "Believing that an unborn child is an innocent human life and supporting the rights of others to kill this innocent child is anything but thoughtful," said Naumann. "It is intellectually and morally an incoherent position."
The statement offers clarity that speaks to many people of faith. The strong words are exactly the kind of leadership the Church needed when they knowingly transferred so many scumbag priests not so long ago.
Nevertheless, this vote offers a clean slate for Catholics, voters and our fellow Americans . . . So that we can, inevitably, repeat all of our former sins yet again.
Related reading from "many sides" of this debate . . .
AmMag: Trump or Biden? What’s a Catholic voter to do?
CNN: Trump and Biden vie for Catholic voters amid Supreme Court battle
NCR: Catholics, voting and abortion - Time to correct the record
Atlantic: The Catholics Who Hate Joe Biden—And Pope Francis
TabletUK: Divided Catholic voters seek dialogue amid rancour
You decide . . .
Jesus, I'll be glad when this election is over.
ReplyDeleteAmen, brother.
DeleteNo moral clarity at all from this post, TKC. Just as God intended.
Big election.... check!
ReplyDeleteBig decision.... check!
Big distraction from TKC?.... check!
Moral of the story: When you're always scrounging for content, eventually you'll post anything.
As concerned about germs as Trump is, I don't believe he would not use a condom with that filthy beast Stormy Daniels. Filthy whores have STDS...and worse.
ReplyDeleteWhores are liars.
ReplyDeleteAs many cocks as she has gotten fucked by, how does she remember who fucked her with a rubber or not?
ReplyDeleteThis is just anecdotal, but every Catholic I grew up with and there are many, are now "Cafeteria Catholics". They are, for the most part, uninterested as much as most people think, in abortion and support (As do I) a woman's right to choose. Now, that said, I think, in their minds, as it is in mine, they think that women will abort at less than three or so months. Pulling out an almost full term child from a womb, killing it and then selling the parts to your local distributor is ghoulish, obscene and grotesque. As usual, the solution seems to be, rational and reasonable territory in the middle to work things out. Most people - again, this is anecdotal - I know, don't think that a 90 day old fetus is a sentient being.
ReplyDeleteThe Popes, throughout history, are NOT infallible as opposed to what the Catholic church tells and told us. Indeed, many, maybe most, after Constantine the Great, politicians that effected wars, sent children off to die in crusades and were constantly preoccupied with power, money and sinecure, when they were not poisoning their enemies and having babies with whores, concubines and Roman street walkers. Most Popes, were NOT holy saints on their way to heaven and were mostly would fuck a bush if they thought there was a snake in there.
Our current Pope, is even worse. The sanctimony, hubris and Socialist monomania that is constantly emetically emanating from his pie hole would seem radical to Chuevara. Most of the time, he is behind the walls of the Vatican, dressed in gold, dining on the very best Italian cuisine telling people in the United States we need open borders.
I say we deport every single MS 13 tattooed fuckhead over to the Vatican where they can sell heroin in St Peter's square and re roof that fucker on work release with no ladders, ropes and scaffolding.
Our current pope is a disgrace. A failed, wanna be politician that should concentrate on Ecclesiastical concerns, avoid the camera and situations that he hopes will elevate him into "Cult" status and renew his promise to provide spiritual succor to his "flock" instead of just sucking like fuck.
Very few people should take these so called "Men Of God" seriously anymore and if they seek an inner life, then they should look inside, not to CNN, FOX, elections or, any politician, no matter what kind of hat they have on.
I will vote for the grumpy old white man!
ReplyDelete8:47am. That must be Trump you are voting for.
DeleteBy the way, why is it, ANYONE would ask, or be interested, in what a guy, or, a woman, who has taken a vow to NEVAR get laid, think about who you, or ANYBODY should sleep with?
ReplyDeleteCome on man!!!! Now THAT is weird.
Why would ANYONE willing to kill the innocent think that we should respect their opinion on anything else? Weird.
DeleteBelieve it or not chuck, the reason they can’t get married goes back over a thousand years. When married priests died, all their property went to the widow. So Rome banned priests from getting married. When they died, the property went to the church.
ReplyDeleteYou're attitude about abortion is sending you right to Hell, when your life is over.
Don't try to be a sophisticated liberal about abortion. It is baby murder at any age.
Plus 1000!
DeleteI agree. Liberals suck.
DeleteArchbishop Naumann is the Man! An unwavering rock of faith. Thank you, God, for giving us this great man.
ReplyDeleteI will take Archbishop Naumann over the lesbian liberal congresswoman we have here in KS or her opponent Amanda.
^^^ Will you take a heretic like Naumann over the Catholic Church?
ReplyDeleteWhat ever happened to vows of humility and obedience?
I regrettably voted for Obama, but the Democrats have gone off the deep end. They’ve become the party of lies, lawlessness, very late-term abortions, violence destroying once great American cities, high taxes on our paychecks to pay for socialist wet dreams, weak military, open borders, free healthcare for illegal aliens at taxpayer expense, defunding the police, sanctuary cities, taking away guns, sending $1.7 billion of our taxpayer dollars on pallets to Iranian radical leaders so they can kill more of our troops, packing the Supreme Court, and more idiotic ideas. No thanks.
ReplyDelete^^^ + 1,000
ReplyDeleteI's really a simple question, can the fetus survive outside the Mother's body?
ReplyDeleteUntil then, it's a part of her body, after then, it's a person.
The entire matter hinges on when you believe the soul enters the body.
The Bible says it is with the "first breath", which would seem to mean at birth, but some Christian Creeds ignore Genesis and claim it occurs at conception, thereby condemning the soul of all miscarriages and stillbirths to Eternal Damnation.
I often want to sk the "Conceptionists" how they consider the case of "in itro" fertilization that is then carried to term by a "host Mother".
Does that "child" have a soul?
Snd then there are the "Potentialists" who claim an embryo has a soul because it has the "potential to become a person. Ask any of them if the "potential" sperm or egg of any existing sperm or egg therefore has a soul, and watch smoke come out of their ears.
ReplyDelete8:47 You and your ilk keep talking about a woman's right to choose, yet you deny the right of the young woman encourage to be aborted. A "cluster of cells" is what your non-sentient being is until magically the cells emerge from the womb completely, then the human has rights? BS. Abortion is murder at any stage, and that's not a religious belief, it's just one the Catholics adopt.
ReplyDeleteNow to use your own rhetoric, all of the Catholics I know, and I have known many since I attended church and Catholic schools through college, while they may not be...ahem...RELIGIOUS in the practice of their Catholicism, I'm certainly no longer a believer, are fervently and completely against abortion at any stage, not just when that life reaches a size that looks vaguely human (which seems to be the point at which you draw the line for your murder). Unlike you, I don't enjoy the luxury of being able to read the minds and speak for the Catholics I know, but apparently the Catholics I know aren't ambivalent on this issue.
The rest of your post, just so many words to show how right of center you are, just shows what length you pro-choice quislings will go to to justify your position on murder. You are ending a life. Period. I won't say you will burn in hell, as others have said, I will just say that if you have an abortion or support abortion, your position on a number of subjects like homicide rate, murder, capitol punishment, MS-13, and other subjects involving murder are as questionable as your choice on abortion.
^^^^And yet you can't end a life that has not yet begun. Weird.
ReplyDelete"Abortion is murder at any stage, and that's not a religious belief, it's just one the Catholics adopt."
Look, that is a declarative sentence, that is a proclamation, that you believe to be true, by way of you subjective, emotional attachment to again, that opinion. While I respect your opinion, it is, after all, just your opinion.
"Unlike you, I don't enjoy the luxury of being able to read the minds and speak for the Catholics I know, but apparently the Catholics I know aren't ambivalent on this issue."
I don't have to read their minds, I know them, dozens and dozens of them still to this day, have spoken with them about this and they have expressed their opinions, as have you and I. In general, they (Again - "dozens and dozens" is still anecdotal, but...) think that if an abortion is done early in the pregnancy - than it is reasonable and not murder.
I Think 9:30's comment was very interesting.
"The rest of your post, just so many words to show how right of center you are, just shows what length you pro-choice quislings will go to to justify your position on murder. You are ending a life. Period."
"Quislings"? This would imply a renunciation of tenets I have never endorsed.
Your fanatical insistence that your opinion on a subject, that is by definition (Sentience vs non Sentience) unprovable is proof of YOUR questionable judgment and lack of objectivity.
And fuck MS 13
10:06 is an idiot who knows nothing but will disagree with the facts.
ReplyDeleteYup he's weird alright and you best be glad he doesn't live on your street. He's easy to spot, he'll be the drunk moron claiming to be a doctor in all areas of medicine. You know the one in the creepy looking trailer at Royal Estates Mobile Home Park.
ReplyDeleteCatholics and pro-lifers pretty much forced to stick with the life begins at conception, even tho after the first trimester is reasonable.
Once they go with 3 months, greedy weasel Democrat abortionists will "plateau bargain" i.e... they would then press for "6 months" ..once Catholics agreed to that..the Dems would demand late term ...etc
Thanks Silvestor, I did not know that!
ReplyDeleteI leave ya the field.
ReplyDeleteI am gonna drink like a fish and go play golf.
Condoms suck, they take away that skin on skin friction that we all know and love
ReplyDeleteWhy is it when a pregnant person is murdered it's counted as a double-homicide, yet the doctor can murder a baby in a late term abortion and as long as the mom lives it's fine.
ReplyDeleteIt's like saying black lives matter, except just before they are born.
Please convince me why this makes sense, instead of people that just dont care or blindly follow the political directions or the liberals or those that want to do population control, like Margaret Sanger.
10:21: And yet your response is not only ad hominem but wrong. Weird.
ReplyDelete^^^I'm asking you to convince me. That's a criticism. Convince me.
ReplyDelete8 days, MAGATs! Why don't you go ahead and plug this number into your cell. It's the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. Don't be like former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale. It won't end well for you, either.
11:42am. The Democraps will need that number after Trump wins in a landslide. Don't lose it.
DeleteHere's the deal: If you make abortion illegal, how much prison time will a woman be given for having an abortion?
ReplyDeleteWill she have to submit to a pelvic exam to prove her innocence?
That would be a violation of her Constitutional Rights under the Fourth Amendment.
Finally, does His Ignorance think that churches should pay taxes?
11:38: And yet I believe you are entitled to your opinion as long as you don't impose your beliefs on others, so why is it my job to convince you of anything--especially something that cannot be proven one way or the other? Weird!
ReplyDelete“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics," Biden said in the video.”
ReplyDeleteThere is actual video proof of this stunning admission, poor old dementia joe. He just sunk his party for good.
This is the only hope for a win for the despicable dimwits period, the do nothing cheat at all costs lyin, crooked no good for anybody but themselves, family and friends, see sleepy basement sister wife joe and hunter biden as a perfect example. The Clintons were the best of all time at this by the way and now obummer and monkey faced wife are charging up to third in a hurry. LOCK THEM UP!
^^^ crackhead child molesting hunter biden, there, I fixed it.
ReplyDeleteHow many adopted person alive before Roe VS Wade would be dead if their mom carried after Roe VS Wade?
ReplyDeleteRemember: Camala Harris was never a mom. She never had kids. Weird.
Not surprising that he would prefer a sexual predator, given the church history.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have three mansions.
Yes, I have never owned a business or created jobs.
Yes, there are Treasury Department wires between Hunter and me.
Yes, there are Treasury Department wires between Communist China and Hunter.
But, but it is that darn Giuliani and the Poor Boys setting me up
Basement Joe Biden
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, today, Sunday, October 25, 2020, this Pope and his Catholic Church appointed the FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN AS CARDINAL.
Racist bleached white relgion and church you got going there, much?
Please don't tell us y'all care about Joe Biden because of morals.
Anti-Catholic? Does this mean he Joe is against Priests molestation of alter boys???
ReplyDeleteThere is a sex tape of Trump and Stormy. Its her revenge. She will release it just before election day. She has more sex recordered, than unrecorded. She should have saved some of Donald's sperm and sent it to Melania in a Valentine's day card.
ReplyDeleteThey are all sick people!
At least she is was over 18 unlike the Biden's girl friends.
DeleteLol. Check it out Demoncrats
Before someone jumps on here and posts "judge not lest you be judged" - let me point out this! Christ has insisted his true followers be as much like him as possible. To be "Christ like". That means loving others as he loved them, forgiving people as he did, BUT also judging evil as Christ did too. Yes, calling out evil for what it is. Christ did that often!
ReplyDeleteThe "judge not thingy" basically means don't judge someone for an evil your actively doing. Dont be a hypocrit. Its doesn't mean don't ever judge anything as right or wrong! I am not cheating on my husband having unprotected sex with a porn star. So therefore I CAN and SHOULD consider Trump's behavior a sin.
Now if you think there is no God, or he is a pet rock - then there are no rules of right or wrong and its ok for me to do whatever I want to your property, kids, you, your reputation etc. Of course you would cling to your legal right and have me charged for doing a WRONG. That you believe in a WRONG proves a God exists and has set universal moral laws. Try to prove God doesn't exist!
Democrats scream about science, yet they choose to ignore it when it comes to abortion. They want free abortions so the rest of us can pay for their immoral behavior. Dems lie, steal, cheat, vandalize all in the name of their ill-founded liberal causes that a majority of people disagree with and they want the rest of us to pay for it.
ReplyDeleteArchbishop is a good man and he is right. Thanks for speaking out Archbishop. Trump 2020!
She is a nasty looking fake blonde. Why would anyone dip his wick into something like that unprotected or protected. How gross. What if she got pregnant? Gross. Just gross! Did she just let the sperm run down her legs afterwards?
ReplyDeleteTrump or Biden? What's a voter to do?
Maybe vote for the one that isn't an insane, orange, racist, sexist, rambling, greedy, selfish lunatic?
Is this difficult?
Or vote for a guy that hides in his basement. supports late term abortion, leverages his government job to steal money, believes you are too stupid to mange yourself, is a
Deleteknown pedophile, will raise your taxes, and lies every time he opens his mouth. Trump 2020!
^^You should know all about "insane", "rambling" and "lunatic" striking very close to home.
ReplyDeleteMLWA = Make Lying Wrong Again
ReplyDeleteTrump is going to prison on tax evasion charges! Yipeeee!
As stated by a moron who knows nothing about paying taxes. Stay stupid 2:18, your party relies on it.
DeleteThe Church of The Backyard Rock says..................
ReplyDeleteIf you donate generously, we will tell you the truth.
In the meantime, anyone voting for Biden will be headed for hell, or Stacy Shaw's house (same thing).
Reverend Stone
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Trump's sperm actually fertilized one of Stormy's eggs, but because she was on the pill, it didnt stay in her uterus?
ReplyDeleteHaving sex in without a rubber on her is so gross.
And he paid her $150,000. Thats a record for paid sex in the whole world!
At least Trump likes women who of age. Joe is a pedophile and, soon, he’s going to be somebody’s girlfriend at Leavenworth.
ReplyDeleteNope, @4:02 Aristotle Onassis paid Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy $2.5 Million
ReplyDelete(in 1962 dollars, $21,414.522.00 today) for One Night!
I think she still holds the record!
ReplyDeleteNo matter who claims the title of Pope, that person does not have the authority to change Catholic moral teaching, saying that was a sin is no longer or sin or what was not a sin is now a sin. It is ontologically impossible. ABp Naumann is stating clear Catholic teaching. Bergoglio obfuscates. Listen to the bishop.
ReplyDeleteStormy has a Trump video. Just wait!
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic church is a screwed up religion. Even they admit it. How can this be the infallable true religion of God?
ReplyDeleteIts not. Its fake. Wake up people! tell us why your god kills babies inside their mothers...and make them give birth to a dead baby?...