Here at TKC we confront angry e-mails all the time but this note offers us an interesting point for discussion . . .
To wit . . .
Here's the word . . .
"TKC, I've seen you link it a few times but I'm paying over 900 bucks a year for news from a variety of sources and so far there's nothing about the Biden scandal locally. I've also made several donations to many other local news outlets and they have failed to mention anything about the controvesy over Hunter Biden's laptop. Do you dare to do post about the controvesy or will you maintain the KC media black out???"
Oh, we dare . . . We dare!!!
If only because this news outlet is one of the few places to openly acknowledge that we have little influence when it comes to the "masters of the Universe" and how they toy with the fate of the American public.
And so, from "many sides" of this debate we share this compilation highlighting the hot mess and, yes, we agree that most of the KC news platforms have ignored the scandal because of political loyalty, cowardice or ignorance and not a lack of local interest.
Our "angle" with this post is that, obviously, a great many Kansas City denizens of the discourse want to know more about this tawdry bit of campaign trash before they vote for whoever they were going to vote for before the story blew up among the cable news chat shows . . .
Biden denies family profited from his name, says 'no basis' to Hunter Biden story
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden denied that his son Hunter Biden profited because of his ties to the former vice president and said Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., should be "ashamed of himself" for saying Hunter Biden used his last name "to make millions of dollars" in shady overseas deals.
What About Prez Trump’s Munchkins Also For Sale???
The stunning hypocrisy of the Trump family's attacks on Hunter Biden
Donald Trump is the first president in modern history to refuse to divest from his business interests upon taking office. As a result, he reportedly took in at least $73 million from foreign sources during his first two years in office, creating an unprecedented tangle of conflicts of interest with countries like the Philippines, India, and Turkey that are home to Trump-branded buildings.
E-Mail Campaign Redux
Exclusive: Alleged Hunter Biden Emails Circulated in Ukraine as Rudy Giuliani Dug for Dirt There Last Year
Emails purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden were circulating in Ukraine last year at the same time that Rudy Giuliani was searching for dirt on Joe Biden.
'Borat' debut is an Election 2020 plot twist you didn't see coming, as Trump lawyer Giuliani features in compromising scene that sparks viral #ByeRudy hashtag
It's been a busy week in not-safe-for-work Twitter trends. The virtual ink isn't even dry on legal journalist Jeffrey Toobin and his cringey Zoom incident, and we're already on to Rudy Giuliani's icky appearance in Amazon's upcoming "Borat" sequel.
Trump: Big tech interfering in election by censoring Post's Hunter Biden exposé
WASHINGTON - President Trump on Wednesday accused tech giants Twitter and Facebook of interfering in the upcoming election following their unprecedented censorship of The Post's reporting on Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings. During a Rose Garden town hall with Sinclair Broadcast Group taped Tuesday, the commander-in-chief was pressed on Twitter's decision to block its users from sharing the articles and suspending The Post's account for a week.
You decide . . .
TKC, if you are this good at playing stupid then you are a genius.
DeleteI know for a fact this will be Tony's favorite back handed compliment of the year.
The important part here is that Mahomes is having a baby ! Good for him. That's what the local news is focused on while they sell everyone big tucks and more fast food.
Noticed that most of them only mentioned the homicide count in passing today.
They spent 10 minutes on how it was going to be 70 degrees tomorrow.
NOW that’s funny right there! Good job tony!
ReplyDeleteIt's not local.
ReplyDeleteI don't want my pumpkin patch news stories interrupted by this junk.
And your reader is a SUCKER if he pays 900 a year for local news. Typical KC rube.
ReplyDeleteOf course the MSM is going to protect Hunter Biden that's what commies do they hide the truth. Democrats are not to be trusted they are dirty people. Just take a look at what they have done this past 4 years.
But, but - Fox had a special, pay them $900 for a year's subscription to their News Channel and get all of their on-the-air broadcasts for free!
ReplyDelete(Mail your subscription payment in cash only, attention Lachlan Murdoch.
^^Qe did take a loook at these past four years and that’s why we’re voting Biden. Rudy and Trump are pervs!
ReplyDelete@8:13, as compared to the Republicans, who haven't done a damn thing in the past four years, right?
ReplyDeleteThey ignore it because it's a bunch of made up shit, this "scanal."
ReplyDeleteBut let me make sure I understand it completely:
Hunter Biden, who lives in Los Angeles, decides to fly 3000 miles across country to drop off 3 MacBook Pros at a computer repair shop run by a blind guy who charges the insanely low price of $85 for data recovery. Hunter gets off the plane and drunk-drives to the repair shop in Wilmington desperate for service, because everyone knows there are no computer repair shops anywhere in LA.
He staggers into the shop reeking of booze, drops them off, signs a contract for repair and then disappears, because he's so close to his easily-reachable dad that his dad is totally responsible for everything Hunter does, but so not-close that it wouldn't occur to anyone to contact his dad to relay a message to Hunter that his computers are ready for pickup.
The repair shop owner recovers the data but instead of doing what data recovery people normally do when computers are abandoned, which is to wipe the data clean and sell the hardware, he reads literally thousands of Hunter's *private* emails, a few of those thousands of emails vaguely mention a possible meeting arrangement between his dad and a Ukrainian guy. (For what? it's not mentioned.)
Repair Shop Guy is so alarmed that he contacts the FBI. The FBI arranges to pick up the hard drives, but Repair Shop Guy chooses to take the completely normal step of copying those drives. Once he realizes the FBI isn't doing anything with them (Hmmm... wonder why), he calls up the most credible ex-Mayor on Earth and hands him their contents.
That totally credible ex-Mayor is also so alarmed by these emails that instead of immediately going public or talking to Barr's DOJ, he sits on them for months and then chooses to release them 3 weeks before the election.
The responsible media then asks to independently verify their validity through a forensic analysis of the emails' metadata, but said ex-Mayor does what all normal people trying to prove facts and truth do, and chooses to totally ignore all of these requests.
Have I got this all correct, guys?
That's why it's totally being ignored. It's laughably made up. And I'm really sorry how much of a nothingburger this October surprise turned out to be, guys.
Just as crazy as Hillary taking a hammer to hard drives. MAGA
DeleteYou posted this earlier and got flattened. At least come up with new stuff.
DeleteAnyway, it's Hunter's laptop, it's him in the photos, it's his emails that prove corruption, it's his compromising material with underage girls. Bidens have not denied authenticity.
Try harder.
Shame on you TKC.
ReplyDeleteI was enjoying at least one place where I didn't have to read about this junk.
I read a tweet that said it best:
I have decided not to vote for Hunter Biden or Hillary Clinton in this election.
This is desperation from the Trumpkins. Plain & simple. It makes them look weak.
But it's actually about Joe's worldwide corruption using his children so suck it.
Delete820 free kc, yes let's protect hunter biden who fucked his dead brothers wife and young daughter and pedojoe who knew all about it because the TV says orange man bad
Delete^^^ I’ve seen the whole tape that this image was taken from and he was tucking in his shirt, rapey joe is desperate to keep his crack head son from going to jail, just another poor attempt from the dimwits to distract from the whole sorry truth, joe and hunter are toast. End of story.
ReplyDelete8:20 so desperate....
ReplyDeleteyou can tell that hiden joe biden doesn’t know how to act because people are actually looking into and finding out that everything he says he did is a lie, he hasn’t done jack shit for nobody in 47 years except for himself and his family and whatevar close friends he’s helped to make rich. It boggles the mind that he thinks he can say and do whatever he wants and people will just believe him because he’s lunch box joe, he’s finding out that shit don’t fly anymore. People that voted this nitwit in all these years are incredibly stupid.
ReplyDelete^^and yet he’s the next President in a landslide. Weird.
ReplyDelete^^^ nitwit #1
ReplyDeleteUh oh, hunter and joe have been under investigation for money laundering, the fbi has been investigating and it goes far and deep, the dimwit party may have a bunch of people suddenly retiring before they go to jail.....
ReplyDelete^^ 8:39 - Put the crack pipe down, Hunter. Your sorry child porn pervy and punk'd by your dirty deals daddy A$$ is going to the Big House club fed, NOT the White House, dummy.
ReplyDelete"Paying $900 for news sources" bahahah jesus you boomers fucking suck
ReplyDeleteFinal lap for the MAGAT MELTDOWN! 12 days, cockroaches. Rudy whipping his pecker out for an underage girl. Trump nothing but an angry, old man with a communicable disease. Republicans bailing on the administration faster than rats on a sinking ship.
ReplyDelete12 DAYS! Sleepy Joe and Hunter will send all MAGATs to FEMA camps and take away all their guns! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you please at least keep your lies straight? 24 year old actress, and I guess it was some kind of skit or something? Who cares.
DeleteHow you liking the Biden scandals?
Did the same routine on Ron Paul in first borat movie.
DeleteWhoops. Almost forget Trumps' secret CHINESE bank account. He paid more taxes to China than to America. TRAITOR! VOTE HIM OUT! LOCK HIM UP!
ReplyDelete914 the "secret" acct "discovered" in his tax returns. Silly place to hide it.
DeleteOwns properties in china...has china acct, pays chinese taxes...leftist retards have meltdown. did biden become worth 100s of millions of dollars as a senator and vp.
ReplyDeleteNothing to see here.
Hope you Whiners can make up more credible crap during the twelve years of the Biden and Harris Administrations.
ReplyDeleteAnd the trolls go apeshit. Wow!
ReplyDeleteLyin' Hidin' Biden is very likely the "the big guy" in at least one of Hunter's emails (Hunter is "H"), and he's to receive a 10 percent cut of the deal, which I believe is equal to a cut of about $1 million for that one deal. So Biden was in on the deals. Not a good look for the Democraps' top candidate.
ReplyDeleteBiden’s malfunctionin’ noggin
ReplyDeleteIs covered with terrifyin’ hair-pluggin’
As his mind is glidin’
Into the dark horizon
And shouldn’t be presidin’.
Trump is sick. Ill, Infirm. My guess is that his heart will give out right after the election. He is old. Stressed. he just won't last much longer. May God have mercy on him for the many sins he has committed against Melania.
ReplyDeleteIf wishes were horses...
ReplyDeleteAny MAGATs planning violence, kidnapping, or murder again this weekend? I see the Feds caught another MAGAT threatening Sleepy Joe and Comma-lah today. Don’t let the 2020 MAGAT MELTDOWN pass you by, cockroaches. You, too, can be arrested and thrown in Federal prison ... just like Dear Leader. 2021 will be remembered as the year America really became great again! No more MAGAT whining, only whimpering. The November beat down will be monumental and debilitating for all sick, perverted, vile Republicans. Glory to God!
ReplyDeleteTKC is worried about Biden coverage? Fuck that. Has Mexico payed for the wall yet? That’s the biggest campaign lie ever told!
ReplyDeleteBigger than Obama's "you can keep your Doctor"? Or Bush's "no new taxes?" I think not. Your TDS is showing.
DeleteLibtards are worried about Biden coverage. Where exactly the hell has he been?
ReplyDeleteI had 4 tires put on my old 2005 Lincoln today. It cost more than $750. Thats what Trump paid in taxes. $750. The equivalent of 4 tires.
ReplyDeleteI had a root canal 2 months ago - $1,400 - twice what he paid in taxes.
Is he supporting the USA? He hasn't said 1 word about reparations from China for the covid disaster. All the failed businesses. Not 1 word about justice from china. Odd.
^^Oh, Hunter, come on, man. Quit with the 8-ball trippin' and wishful thinking. POTUS DJT ain't your worry, anyway. SPECIAL AGENT your WORST NIGHTMARE, homey. He's the Top Cop of the Bureau's Child Porn Investigations Division. He ain't no Queasy--Sleezy--Dirty Deals for Hilly Comey. So, Creepy Joe's not going to be able to bribe or blackmail this FBI good guy. Watch out for Senator Johnson's mission of media spotlights on the Biden Bad Hombres.
ReplyDelete11:59 is for Hallucinating Hunter @11:33
DeleteSeriously? Tires? C'mon man! 😏🙄🍿
ReplyDelete*insert character attacks and spam here*
*Wonders if the libtards realize what a caricature and friggin joke they have become*
Julian Asange > Hunter Biden.
ReplyDeleteThink about it!
Are you injoying the show. This was Hillarys plan .The D.N.C.MAY replace SLEEPY JOE WITH Hillary in the last few days. She is the only one that has a chance To defeat Trump.She is going in the Back Door. No Debating or campaigning .Only a few would show up .
ReplyDeleteFreeKC, you’re truly a dingleberry in Hunter Biden’s ass fur. I hope your comments are for shock value or trolling purposes and that you’re not really as stupid as you seem to be. Of course you can’t be blamed if you follow the MSM and their sheeple.
ReplyDeleteBut he failed to mention the BIG STORY. The Easter Bunny has revealed Santa's North Pole operation is financed by the Colombian drug cartel. Will this signal a new "War on Christmas?"
ReplyDeleteTrue & true!
Lyin' Hidin' Biden needs to answer several tough questions. For instance, how much money did he get from his son Hunter’s dealings? One deal has him (the “big guy”) getting a 10 percent cut, which would be about $1 million. The emails from Hunter prove it. Biden and Harris look like chickensh*ts with their non-answers. Voters deserve better. Biden better drop out of the race before he goes to jail.
ReplyDeleteTaxes are all reviewed by the IRS. The New York Times took many of the same deductions as Trump. Companies and individuals don't pay more in taxes than legally possible. If they do pay more, they're clearly stupid. If you don't like it, change the tax laws.
ReplyDeleteThe Democrapic mayors and governors have been trying to stall out the economy as much as possible so Trump can't brag about the stellar economy he brought to America before the Chinese Communists unleashed COVID on America and the rest of the world. The Democraps don't care how many people they hurt with their extreme lockdowns and restrictions. They only want extreme socialist power and damn anyone who gets in their way of that goal. Lyin' Blunderin' Biden will be told what to do by extreme socialist puppet-masters pulling his strings in a backroom.
ReplyDeleteBREAKING: Santa responds to Easter Bunny's accusations, saying how can we pay attention to a mammal who takes eggs one species and gives them to unsuspecting children every spring? Where does he get his eggs? Do they contain aborted fetal tissue? Is the Easter Bunny a pro-abortion radical who will take all your money and rape your wife and daughters? Santa concludes, "When the Easter Bunny attacks me, he attacks the flag, mom, and apple pie. Don't let this Marxist egg redistributionist prejudice you against old Santa."
ReplyDeleteCute, I guess, but there's no proof on an Easter Bunny.
DeleteHowever, there is a laptop chock full of evidence that the Biden camp does not question at all in terms of authenticity.
Try harder, lol
waaaaaah, no one is reporting this outside my bubble. waaaaah. Go back to parler Trumptard.
ReplyDelete7:11 - look at his tax returns you dumb fuck. he's released his, why hasn't the dumbfuck in the WH? You fucking Trumptards are a total shit stain on society.
ReplyDelete1:22 - you don't want to get into a comparison of lies. Trump's gonna lose that all fucking day long. not that it matters to you cultists.
ReplyDelete"Biden's still not Trump" = !!WINNER !!
Bros, I heard that hard drive has Hunter fucking chickens on it. CHICKENS! This shit needs to be stopped NOW! Put him in Gitmo.
ReplyDeleteOne other disturbing thing from the HD, Hunter took a dump and didn't flush it. It's fucking on there.
Un yeah, same gimmick? There's probably not chicken fucking, though with the Bidens who knows?
DeleteHowever, the Biden camp has not challenged the authenticity of the trove of evidence in the laptop.
Troll game needs serious work. :)
Nice to hear from Hershell Walker that Mahomes is his new neighbor in Dallas. Guess KC home will be the "getaway" from wife and kid.
ReplyDelete^^and yet he denied it yesterday. Keep up CHUD. What's next? This smear didn't work. Oh noes! :( You have no troll game.