A recent high-profile restaurant shut down signaled the start of the worst season the local foodie industry has seen in modern history.
Kansas City reality check: Drive-thru garbage is the only "cuisine" that'll thrive this winter.
The circumstances are harsh and this report offers upbeat talking points that might or might not inspire people to find some other line of work . . . Read more . . .
The Rieger Is Among The First High-Profile Kansas City Restaurants To Close In The Pandemic, But The Chef Is Sad About Something Else
If you follow Kansas City restaurant news, you already know that the Rieger Hotel Grill and Exchange - a beloved Crossroads haunt- has announced that it's closing at the end of the month.
ReplyDeleteQuinton Lucas starts Kansas City eternal restaurant depression, and retail and exhibits, and tourism. Good going flunky.
ReplyDelete^^^^^^What's the matter the truth boring you?
ReplyDelete^^nah, boring ass, good-for-nothing, always complaining, crying, geezers like you are. Yawn.
ReplyDeleteThis asshole doesn’t care as long as da welfare checks is coming. Stay in Kansas City goofball. Yet, you won’t.
Delete^^^^Says the fool who never adds anything constructive.
ReplyDelete^^and yet smashing the heads of ignorant, racist, hateful, stupid, people like you is pretty constructive work. Weird.
ReplyDelete^^Weird guy for the...yawn...
ReplyDelete11:42 can’t put his pants on. Whose heads are you smashing tough guy? You’re afraid of COVID. You’re a big pussy.
ReplyDelete^^I'm crushing your rapidly decaying skull geezer. You knew that though judging from your triggered response. Your wife has a big pussy, that I know.
ReplyDeleteHitler did nothing wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe Rieger. They are closing because their food sucked. Anyone in the industry knows that. Their food was overpriced and it sucked. Beloved? Maybe "beloved" by the Gay Bikers for Biden crowd.
ReplyDeleteNever understood how a high end restaurant converted to a soup kitchen and then back again would succeed. One or the other, but not both. The other high end restaurants either continued as high end restaurants or closed.
ReplyDeleteThese guys were pretenders and paid the price, now they'll be straining soup through their dick brooms at the real soup kitchen and joining the rent strike - so long gay boys.
ReplyDelete2:53, You've never been there or even know where it is. Stick with Bob Evans. That's all you know.
ReplyDeleteI ran several of Boomer Hater/Geezer/Pops/Geriatric Fu*ktard/Old People/Weird/CHUD boy's comments through an online age detection app for written materials and it showed in the results that he is only 10 years old. You can tell his age by his lack of writing skills and his frequent temper tantrums. I'm guessing he dropped out of elementary school, and his mother doesn't know what to do with him. For his welfare, we’ve started a GoFundMe page titled “Save the 10-Year-Old Dumbass."
ReplyDeleteYeah. Sure you did. What you really need to do is come up with new material. You've pasted that same post for months.
ReplyDeleteI am the person who calls everyone CHUD. I'm not ten, despite what your online age detection app says.
ReplyDeleteI eat out at better Restaurants every night in a non Democrat ruled city. And I don't have to salute the blm or rainbow flag to get in and /or get screamed at by a bunch of Antifags.