Worthwhile consideration of the castle doctrine and quick decisions that could impact gun owners for the rest of their lives . . . Credit to BEST, BRIGHTEST & MOST KICK-ASS readers for sending this thoughtful note our way:
Should the McCloskeys Have Waited for the Police? | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The film immediately went viral. On June 28, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, a St. Louis couple, were confronted in the growing dark by hundreds of angry protesters bursting through a gate onto their front yard. "Private property!"
The McCloskeys were waiting for the police. They called them but they did not come when needed. When seconds count, the police are minutes...or hours...away.
ReplyDelete^^^^^^ +1000000000000000000000000000000
ReplyDeleteThey did nothing wrong and any sane person would have to agree, just because it was a group of BLM protestors does it become contentious! If it had been a group of angry shouting white teenagers not a word would have been heard!
ReplyDeleteKim Gardner should be removed from office immediately and charged with “ Malicious Prosecution “...She obviously
ReplyDeletehas no regard for the McCloskey’s Constitutional Rights.
Justice in America is becoming a myth
ReplyDeleteIt's a tragedy what happened to these people at the hands of domestic terrorists. That Kimberly Gardner is the one who needs to be put in jail. She also slandered Eric Gritens with her lies. I can tell you this....After the election if there is trouble again like that make no mistake about it we will fight back this time.
Are you voting for communism and into the hands of people like BLM and ANTIFA or are you voting for a free America and your constitutional rights with law and order? The choice is yours. Don't forget Kansas, the women who wants your vote but wants you dead! The terrorist Sharice Davids. Think real hard folks.
"Let's wait for the police to get here."
ReplyDelete... famous last words
This is a perfect example of what the castle doctrine is for.
ReplyDeleteCastle doctrine has severe limits. People dont know that. ONLY in Texas does it allow shooting someone to protect property. And that law is changing. So soon you cant shoot anyone even if they are in a huge art theft gang running off with a Rembrandt painting.
ReplyDeleteYou have to meet force with equal force. If protesters had no guns, you can carry guns sure, but not raise and point them. If protesters had guns pointed, then you can too. The law is very simple. Castle means you do not have to retreat, run, hide, cower, or flee. You can stand your ground even if its unwise and people are about to attack you and you should flee. Sometimes its better to hide.
The Police are understaffed!
ReplyDelete2:46 get out of here with your stupid lie filled rant, you obviously have no clue what you’re talking about and are clearly an anti gun activist. Moron.
ReplyDeleteI am 2:46 and am a gun collector. Have have taken lots of training. Trainers will always tell you the castle law DOES NOT MEAN you can shoot someone or point a gun around. Check out prior cases and see what happened.
ReplyDeleteHas to be threat of immediate great bodily harm or death.
Lady looks like a cod fish. Find a new wife mister!
ReplyDelete@2:46 and @4:07, great posts, don't be too upset by the fool posting @3:18.
ReplyDeleteTake into consideration his mental capacities, first he posts as "Anonymous", and then he signs his name at the end of his post!
As the noted philosopher "Bugs" would say, "What a Maroon"!
There are limits to any law. Read up on the Castle Doctrine and stand your ground. While they give you some rights, if a bullet whizzes down the block and hits a innocent neighbor - you lose everything in a civil suit and may go to prison for manslaughter. Or if you shoot a criminal and he does not die (your a bad shot), then you can be sued in civil court by the bad guy. Better to avoid gunfire. its a really costly thing either way. Plus the police will take your gun and when you get it back its going to have scratches, surface rust, and grime from them testing it. If you get it back. It can be held for years.
ReplyDeleteShopping Malls are private property too. That doesn't mean the mall owner can have guards pull out guns, AR-15's and wave them at crowds protesting nearby. Even if a couple of the people broke a gate to get into the area. I mean really people. I guess the couple just wanted to be in the news. I would NEVER point my AR-15 at anyone- unless I was going to pull the tirgger in less than 2 seconds.
ReplyDeleteThat lady dont need a gun for protection. She so ugly nobody gonna bother her. She look like a dead catfish.
ReplyDeleteShe is not attractive. In appearance or demeanor. Looks like a cow.