Don't blame BLM, this training update is touted by former lawman Missouri Guv Parson.
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Police officers in Missouri now required to take de-escalation, implicit bias training
The new standards will become effective Jan. 1, 2021 JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Beginning next year, all officers in Missouri will be required to take one hour of de-escalation and one hour of implicit bias training annually to maintain their licenses.
Nothing deescalates a tense situation faster than hot lead from a 45. Change my mind.
ReplyDeleteThis, like body cams and such, will not reduce excessive force by police. Emotional surges (anger, frustration, etc) override all cognitive functions. Excessive force, occasional wrongful discharge of firearms will continue to happen.
ReplyDeleteInstead, teach people to follow police commands, act respectfully, DON'T RUN FROM POLICE, and take up official channels with any complaints or excessive force charges. (It also costs A LOT less than empowering and hiring "diversity" industry grifters)
All professionals in every field undergo updated training.
ReplyDeleteWhat's this bias bit they have thrown in there? So in other words watch how you handle black people and handle them with care instead of force. I'm so not in agreement with this. We all have seen what has happened around the country with the cry of racism against whitey the lies about George Floyd and that Taylor girl. This is nothing more than telling police to stand down B*LL S**t.
Will the criminal class be required to undergo annual training on how to act like a civilized human and not like a feral animal?
ReplyDeleteDe-escalation in every conflict is always the idea situation but to do so requires that all involved participate in doing so. Hence that is where the real problem lies. People are told to calm down and instead they get even more out of control. At some point control has to be reestablished. Those who have never walked the streets wearing a badge are the ones who think they know all about law enforcement and how it should be done. Well they don't and unless they have walked the walk, covered the streets, they best keep the talk to themselves. I have walked that walk and seen things most of you will never ever see in your lives. I have seen all sides of people and many of them were very scary. I arrested a man once for killing his girlfriend. I asked him why he did such a thing and he answered, "The bitch pissed me off, she forgot to pick up some beer for me again."
ReplyDeleteI, too, was a LEO.
ReplyDeleteHow about some public access station that tells people to obey the law and the police. Available outside of lockup, but always on inside of jail/prison?
negro reform not police reform.
ReplyDeleteNext month they will have to offer their daughters to breed the Ace of spades society. Because we cater to people that cause crimes and don't care for those that try to end it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a step in right direction but more needed. What about a statute or at least get policy procedure to ban the kinds of LE choke holds that have caused all the problems in Minneapolis? We could prevent it in KC or St. Louis if we acted wisely and would be something to point to to the BLM protesters (at least the good faith ones) that, see, here we listened and made this concrete change based on your concerns ... and to commenters above with law enforcement experience, thanks for serving and for chipping in to discussion