The aftermath of a weekend shopping mall ruckus continues to resonate across the Kansas City metro as the economy worsens and hope of stimulus before the election fades.
Make no mistake, retail is dead. The Internets killed it, the pandemic spit on its grave, now civil unrest and out-of-control youngsters desecrate the tomb of in-person shopping.
To wit . . .
To make matters worse, remember that the mall is struggling to pay back a $57-million loan as it teeters on the verge of insolvency with fewer customers amid the pandemic.
Check the po-po doing their best to offer security as the location struggles to stay afloat . . .
Fox4: Teen fights at Independence mall becoming more common, affecting businesses and shoppers
INDEPENDENCE, Mo. — A fight involving hundreds of teens broke out at the mall in Independence this weekend. The police department sounded the alarm for help from authorities across the metro over the weekend. The incident happened Saturday evening when Independence Police said about 300 minors caused problems at the Independence Center near 39th Street. They called for a metro-wide agency assist . . . With more than 40 reported disturbances in this area this year, police are warning parents of a “zero tolerance” policy at Independence Center.
Developing . . .
They would be smart to shut it down before somebody gets hurt.
ReplyDeleteSurprised it's still open. Who goes to this mall anymore?
DeleteMy last trip was the shooting 6 or 7 years back. Has my two babies and inexplicably no ccw. Never really think something is going to happen on a Saturday right after lunch though.
DeleteBLM shutting down another employer of civilized people of all colors. Can we deport them to Liberia ?
ReplyDeleteSad but true.
This mall has been a nightmare but that warning will make things worse.
ReplyDeleteThat's basically police telling young people that they're going to be hassled.
I hope they have the good sense to know what is really being discussed and how this is a just a profiling notice for all manner of teens. Don't think that they won't make an example out of white teens. The mall should be a no go for parents who care about their teens.
If they go bankrupt. That's on them!
Shopping malls are only for poor people. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteShutting them down would help out the people who are REALLY invested in the community. Might even bright back smaller, local specialty shops.
I don't really see a downside here.
Back in the day, Independence Mall was beautiful; especially at Christmas time.
ReplyDeleteSeems like anything nice in KC gets destroyed anymore.
Kansas City has really become a shit-hole.
It’s not in Kansas City
DeleteAmerica votes Trump out of office in 7 DAYS! America's yutes ARE just celebrating a little early, that's all.
@8:36 is 100% correct.
ReplyDeleteThe mall helped build the community. I hope the police can help save it. We need places where everyday people can congregate. Not must luxury shops.
Just shoot like maybe 50 of them. The rest of the punks will go away.
ReplyDeleteI've long been a proponent of bringing back regular public hangings. It was brutal, but that's how you restore civility in the populations that cannot grasp its concept.
ReplyDeleteThese idiot kids from dysfunctional homes need to be beaten with police batons and thrown into jail or reform school. The public has zero tolerance too. I'm going to start calling Children's protective services on parents. I'm sick of this no discipline society we are living in. Get control of your brat or lose them.
Independence mall is a dimwit dream come true, after all this is what they wanted amirite!
ReplyDeleteYou are an idiot
DeleteHey tough guy, why don’t you get of the blog, go up to a group of teens and try hitting them with a baton? They would beat your geriatric ass to death in 5 seconds. Your sick of this? Well do something about it instead of crying like the pissy bitch you really are. It takes nothing to be keyboard warrior, this blog is full of pussies like that. Step out in the real world geezer and talk that shit, I fucking dare you. Pussy, punk, bitch.
ReplyDeleteThese deliquents should just go to the plaza and trash it - we know Mayor McDrinkerson won't do a thing - plus they can get free stuff, if there is anything still there.
ReplyDeleteIf Independence were smart, they'd provide free buses to take them.
Things will all change when the new prosecutor gets elected, she has no tolerance for criminals, she’s got my vote and many in kc too.
ReplyDelete9:15 nigga please.....
ReplyDelete915 you must be a black blm thug criminail come to johnson county gsardner and try tpo pull that shit people in soutjher joco dont put up withn that shit
ReplyDelete9:15. Pot & Kettle complection, you are. "Pussy, punk, bitch.". Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteThanks, Trump. You've destroyed the US economy.
ReplyDeleteLOLOL!! @ 9:15!! Keyboard Warrior calling another poster a Keyboard Warrior!
9:15 let me guess. You’re son is a homosexual transgender and you wish he was manly enough to get in an actual fistfight. Sadly, that will never happen. He is busy shopping for panties and brassieres and purses and nail polish. Where did you go wrong?
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with a mall, an outdoor shopping area, or a corner gas station/convenience store. It has to do with a violent culture of thugs whose apparent mission in life is to destroy, steal, and terrify people in the process. They have to take and tear down other people's shit because they don't have any shit of their own. And for some odd reason they get away with it more often than you'd think. The last thing we need is more violence, but the time is coming when the average Joes will have had enough and will start fighting back...and I don't mean with cookies and social workers.
ReplyDelete^^^^ We see you, MAGAT. You and your ilk have already started riots, started lootings, murdered citizens, and planned kidnappings/murders of government officials. Didn’t think we’d notice, eh? Tell us your next sob story, Pussy!
ReplyDeleteIt can use a keyboard. Wow!
ReplyDeleteThe goons will continue to behave as they have recently, or get even worse.
ReplyDeleteThe police will act with restraint and try to protect others and private property.
There will be videos of "incidents" where the usual suspects cry profiling, racism, and police brutality.
People like Stacy Shaw will again take advantage of a made-up incident to yell and scream and put on a show.
Even fewer civilized people who actually have money and want to shop will come to the mall.
It will disappear, just like Bannister Mall and many other places that used to provide jobs and were places of commerce.
The same thing, the same way, with the same people.
Over and over again.
9:15. give an address and time. ill pull up. Make sure your affairs are in order.
ReplyDeleteKansas City should have zero tolerance policies for a lot more things to put a definite end to them. KC should have a zero tolerance policy for homicide, black-on-black crime, and pregnant women having late-night skirmishes with the police. All of this stuff will end as long as KC has a zero tolerance policy.
ReplyDeleteThe Center will probably eventually see the wrecking ball due to a number of factors out of everyone's control. Sad for all of us that grew up in and around it.
ReplyDeleteThe "Yoots" are a harbinger of what is to come if the City and law enforcement doesn't get this garbage firmly under control. NOW.
The area's saving grace is that "corner". I'm sure that developers and capital cos have already lined up to redevelop, Hopefully they have implemented plenty of workarounds to aggressively manage the quintessential and ever escalating issue with the "Yoots".
This behavior and minority contingent (the small, angry, low IQ, destructive percentage of an otherwise wonderful group of black and brown people) totally annihilates every facet of life for decades on end. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS.
Our concern is justified, and we do I need insist on a zero tolerance policy, and that the Mall, City, and law enforcement not back down from it one iota.
Zero tolerance = Zero enforcement
ReplyDeletePhilly, Independence mall or Ferguson. Negroes are always blamed for all the events that turn bad. Now let's talk about the 155 plus murders in the KC Metro and percentage caused by the Negroid race.
ReplyDelete9:15 in the PM.. YOUR or you are ? Maybe learn basic English before giving people pointers. Dipshit.
ReplyDeleteIs this on utube of Instagram? Sounds exciting to me.