Local legal eagles are gearing up to fight Kansas City evictions in court for the benefit of social justice and because campaign season legal smack downs are always a great way to drum up publicity.
Here's a peek at the eternal struggle against the rent . . .
KC COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund announces support for eviction prevention
Established to address critical needs for those affected by the pandemic, the Kansas City Regional COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund announced funding for eviction protection in the latest round of investments. The $1 million award will support a partnership to help those in danger of being evicted or losing their homes through foreclosure as a result of the recession caused by the pandemic.
ReplyDeleteThat painting on the building of RBG is butt ugly and tacky. How can people worship this women she was for the slaughter of innocent babies?
^^I don't know Maude. How can you get up everyday and post this kind of tripe all day and call it a life?
ReplyDeleteThat RBG picture is only 4.5 miles away from the record breaking murder #154 in KC. Nice the city has its priorities in line.
ReplyDeleteVery often landlords use rent payments to cover the mortgage. No rent payments, no mortgage payments; and the bank will foreclose and evict. A rent strike will only hurt the people it seeks to help.
ReplyDelete^^^^^^I agree
ReplyDeleteWhen RBG came to rest in the mentally handicapped zone there was no dissent!!!
The RGB painting is in the right place - in the handicapped spot - she was mentally handicapped and responsible for the deaths of many American children. Someday we will view her as a Hitler. Remember - hitler never "personally killed anyone", just past the laws to allow it. like her
ReplyDeleteImagine that, a Jew who killed babies, you’d think she’d know better after ww2, or was it a part of a grander plan? Perhaps a continuation of hitlers final solution?
ReplyDelete^^I don't know Maude. What's the Bible say about judging others lest ye be judged? Maybe spend some time doing more productive things. You don't have much time left geezer. Tick tock. Do better!
ReplyDelete^^^^^^How about practicing what you're trying to preach?
ReplyDelete^^I do. Smashing the heads of racist, hateful, horrible, people all day is God's work.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the Bible say about "judging others lest ye be judged"? Heres what:
ReplyDeleteThe Bible tells you TO JUDGE PEOPLE according to the rules of right and wrong in the Bible. "Dont sit in the seat of the scornful or doorway of the wicked".
The "judging others lest you be judged / means you can't criticize someone" is a sinful misrepresented fallacy designed by sinners, for sinners so they can continue to sin, and keep the good people from pointing their sin out.
I can't criticize a child molester, a murderer, a guy that sells drugs to my teenager, someone who just broke into my car? REALLY! I can't judge them?
The step in all religions is for someone to admit they sin and are not perfect. And they find it out thru criticism and being judged by others. I am not going to throw my values, right and wrong out the window. You do wrong - I judge your actions.
The cult of RBG is getting to be downright creepy. Hey, here's an idea, let's name a street after her!
ReplyDeleteThat verse about judging was directed at hypocrites. If your not being a hypocrite the verse is not applicable. Use good judgement in life.
ReplyDeleteHowever - Jesus judged everyone he met. He told people flat out they were hell bound, evil, godless. He told others they were on the right path. He judged the Jewish leaders, Romans, Pagans, even his siblings - who told him as a child to get out of the temple and quit trying to teach there. His siblings didn't believe he was God till he rose from the dead. And Jesus told people to constantly judge their lives, motives and priorities. And Jesus will judge everyone on their Judgement day! Your whole life will be re-played in front of God. Better seek forgiveness now.
RBG was born a Jew, but rejected that faith it when she was not allowed to join a Jewish woman's meeting. She didnt believe in God or anything other than what she could see or touch. She never gave the afterlife a thought. She kind thought she was a God herself.
ReplyDelete^^You were born a loser. Your mother immediately regretted not aborting you. You grew into a worthless piece of shit. Unloved by all. You spend your lonely days here, because nobody likes you & you'll die alone.
ReplyDeleteI am not a loser. I am successful. People think I am a good person. My Mom still thinks alot of me to this day. People dont like the truth. When I post the truth, people get hateful.
^^Let us know when you post some CHUD. 12:35PM Knocked you the fuck out!! You deserved it. Go do some self-reflection if you can. You're all done here today.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that the anonymous poster who quickly rebuts, as above, usually says something about "Matlock" or "Maude" being on, and almost always uses vulgar language in the attack.
ReplyDeleteMost of us have a good enough grasp on the English language that we don't need to resort to these sophomoric techniques. We discuss the issues; we don't need to attack the speaker.
^^OK.. Blow me while I shit CHUD. there are no issues discussed here fuckwad. This is a breeding ground for old, hateful, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, assholes to say the most hateful things imaginable and get away with it. Go fuck yourself. How's that language pussy?
ReplyDelete^^^Chimpy's reasoning skills are what you would expect of a monkey. He's stuck with a very limited repertoire of personal insults. Several million years of evolution are necessary before he will be able to deal with substance.
ReplyDeleteHitler did nothing wrong.
ReplyDeleteOh Chimpy-Lover you just can't help yourself! Come to dance for us again! Your master lives in your head rent-free! He owns you as do we all!
ReplyDeleteThe fact is RBG is dead. No matter what you believe. She will not be living again on this earth. Her body is decaying to dust. "Anyone is replaceable" has been the business motto since 1999 when I left college. That means workers, doctors, judges, politicians, even Steve Jobs. The world can function without RBG just fine. She was a hard worker, but so are alot of other people who overcome to excel in their fields. A guy who designs the chip/and parts of your laptop computer chip so it can do calculations and work right is more of a genius than her, think if all the tiny a parts! She was a member of society and she was paid for her work. Lets not make her into more than she was. A worker,
ReplyDeleteSomeone will just vandalize the picture. She is not black.
ReplyDeleteShe not black, but she was not a Jew either.
ReplyDeleteShe is like Grapenuts cereal. Its not grapes and its not nuts. Who knows what it really is????? Chimpy your response girl?
This is an old, hateful, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, asshole...I just call the cops on my pot-smoking, deadbeat tenants. The cops come, write up a report, and you can get an expedited eviction - that's Missouri state law. Then you take the deadbeats to small claims court, get the judgement, and have their wages garnished. Now here is where it gets tricky. You have to tell the deadbeat's employer about the garnishment. So if they quit, or get another job, your garnishment stops. Guess what? These deadbeats are too stupid. Most have Facebook in which they discuss their new jobs. My attorney just contacts the new employer. haha. Idiots. Deadbeats gonna deadbeat. Zero sympathy. Renting properties is my livelihood. It's how I pay my bills. I work sixty and seventy hours a week on my properties, Sundays and holidays. You should see the messes I clean up, the repairs I have to make. I have actually paid some tenants to leave. I make a good living, but only when the tenants pay. It's easy to get rid of most of the deadbeats though.
ReplyDelete^^Blah blah blah. You talk too much and are fucking boring.
ReplyDeleteRBG was all for free rent. Funny however, many of the babys aborted due to RBG, if born, would have grown up to support abortion.
ReplyDeleteBut those abortion supporters are missing as their mothers aborted them. See how a movement dies out?
And the people against abortion have kids, who will eventually outnumber the pro-abortion kids!
The Guardian’s September 18 obituary declared that the justice had “abandoned her religion” at the age of 17, when she was not allowed to join a minyan to say Kaddish for her mother because she was a woman. The moment was, in fact, a pivotal one in Ginsburg’s life, and could be read as an origin story for her feminism.
ReplyDeleteShe was not a practicing Jew. But wanted to be know as the 1st Jewish justice. You cant have it both ways Ruth.
She was as much a Jew as Hitler was. She was non-religious. The Nazi's had a program where they reformed (killed) the disabled and retarded. Loving families sent their kids to big "teaching centers", trying to better them, and never knew their loved ones were quickly gassed. The gassing was tested on the German kids, then it was decided as the solution for Jews. Wilhelm Keitel, the Nazi primarily responsible for the holocast order signing was hanged after his Nurenberg trial. Interestingly, the trapdoor on the hanging platform was way too small. When he fell thru it ripped off his ear and part of his nose, it slowed his fall so much, and his neck was not broken. He strangled and squirmed for over 24 1/2 minutes before he went limp. God punishes some people here on earth, before they die. The Americans saw him squirming and didnt shoot him, they just let him suffer. They had no order to shoot hanging survivors. Several other Nazis had their noses ripped off the same day. The American executioner, Mr. Cook, was so disturbed by it all that he shot himself that night. He should have been proud and commended for doing his job. RIP Mr. Cook!