Here's another perspective on the stat game that hopes to inspire more progress in the ongoing fight against crime that still suffers a historic setback this year.
We talked about this last week but whilst the next murder will break a tragic milestone, it's worth another look . . .
Kansas City's homicide rate down since Operation Legend began, police chief says
KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV/AP) -- Police Chief Rick Smith says Kansas City's homicide rate has gone down since Operation Legend began. Before federal agents came to Kansas City, the metro was averaging 5.5 homicides every week. During Operation Legend, that dropped to 4.3.
Still gonna smash the record so the whole thing was a failure
ReplyDeleteTo determine whether or not it worked, we first have to know what its goal was. Doing something and saying what the goal was only after the results are known is a standard political trick.
ReplyDeleteSo what did the feds say the goal was of Operation LeGend before it started? Or did they ever assign one?
Anything that got murderers off the streets was a success, we can’t help it the hundreds of petersuckers catch and release murderers are still out there killing people. You can also blame mayor mcstupid for his part in catch and release and his insanely stupid support of blm/antifa thugs, that alone probably brought in hundreds more murderers from across the country. With no leadership and prosecution thugs and murderers come into kc with no fear of being charged for anything.
ReplyDeleteRemember Mayor baldy mcdumbo caved to blm/antifa when it came to giving operation legend a time frame and he pissed and moaned the whole time they were here. If he wasn’t such a worthless mayor they could still be here cleaning ipup his and petersuckers mess.
8:56 removing thugs and murderers from kc was the goal and they did that so.....
ReplyDelete^^^^^^^That was the point the whole time.
ReplyDeleteThey were busting pot dealers not doing much about the violent criminals murdering people
ReplyDeleteThe renewable energy problem can be easily solved, just hook a generator up to the revolving door that is the current criminal justice system, and forget wind and solar.
ReplyDelete^^Lame. Do better.
ReplyDeletei noticed a difference for a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe too much effort is being put into stopping the killings because it is mainly black people who are dying.
ReplyDeleteUntil you disarm and imprison criminals using illegal weapons NOTHING will change. This crap of mollycoddling them and tying the hands of the police will go NOWHERE. I moved out of Kansas Shitty for the sole reason of not having to deal with the aftermath of justifiably shooting one of the thug bastards (and I would have had it come down to it). Close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades. After about the dozenth time I said they hell with it. Just wasn't worth it any longer.
ReplyDeleteBlame mayor mckneely for bowing down to the demands of an uninformed black community, (intentional) blm and antifa. When lying to your people that you swore to protect and then caving into demands of the dimwit party, rioters and murderers well, this is what you get. A new world record for murders!
ReplyDeleteSee y’all at the party the cleave is throwing for lickballs at 18th and vine!
154 Democrats off the street.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Sleepy Joe Biden if you ain't shootin' and killin' in KCMO "You ain't Black".
ReplyDeleteGoing from 5.5 murders per week to 4.3 means KCMO will have at least 34 more murders in November and December. October is not over so statistically speaking KCMO will have close to 200 by years end. That will be a big improvement over last year.