Another metro cities falls for bike lane hype despite very little proof that the "access" helps prevent accidents or does anything but make local streets look like garbage. Whilst we want EVERYONE on the road to be safe . . . This costly fad has never meth with serious scrutiny as BIKE SUPREMACY threatens to ruin more local roads.
Take a look . . .
Westwood adopts Complete Streets Policy
A road diet on 47th street includes bike lanes, crosswalks, and a center left turn lane. These features make the street safer for all road users by slowing car traffic and making connections to popular destinations like Lulu's. The City of Westwood, Kansas, is the latest Kansas City metro municipality to adopt a Complete Streets policy.
One of my favorite TKC headlines.
ReplyDeleteOf course. There are a lot of homosexuals all over Westwood. Westwood is irrelevant anyway.
ReplyDeleteThis is only going to cause trouble because drivers hate bikers. Bikers don't follow the laws. The dumbest part of this is, there have never been many bikes on that road and I drove that way for years. This is just that, a fad just like it was back in the early 70's and it will go away. All that will be left is the debt of it all instead of doing what's right like fixing streets with huge holes in them while ripping off the people who pay ten thousand and up a year in taxes. No wonder everyone in the mission hills area is selling. But hey, you kinda got to wonder about a county that would vote someone like Sharice Davids in. Never thought I'd see the day when JOCO would go radical and vote an indian in that still wants to fight a war that's been over for more than a hundred years. Now that's funny.
Cars and bikes have got along for over 100 years. What changed ?
ReplyDeleteGuys who wear spandex . That's whats changed. It can not be unseen
DeleteBooh. Make roads safe for motorists. Bike lanes suck.
ReplyDeleteI’d love to see the numbers on how many people actually use bike lanes in the metro. Governments are facing huge budget issues and are still pandering to these niche groups.
ReplyDeleteAnd the shrieking spandex ninnies put one in the W column.
ReplyDeleteBike cult at work. Arrogant car haters empowered by Eric Bunch.
ReplyDeleteWait until the snow plows smash the shit out of them. More wasted tax payer dollars.
This road sucks for bikes. Great improvement!
ReplyDeleteStfd, 1120 why? We literally developed motorized vehicles to get us from place to place faster. Just because you think cars should fall in line behind bicycles doing 12mph in a 45 means anyone with a rational mind disagrees. Bicycles are a recreational toy, not a
Deleteroad or commuting vehicle.
Perfect place for police to hideout to catch drinkers driving home from Westport.
ReplyDeleteSpandex sissy moneyhole
ReplyDeleteI drive this stretch nearly every day. I have yet to see a single person on a bike. This totally screws up 47th which is a commuting connector and has a WalMart, one of the busiest BBQ places in town, and a bunch of other shops. I've already seen traffic backed up for blocks because we lost a turn lane on Mission.
ReplyDeleteBike riders better stay in their little lanes when I'm passing through.
Maybe you should try a bike. Along with all the rest of you pussies.
DeleteYa let me just put my wife and two kids in that and drive it home at 530pm in the dark on a December weekday. Genius.
DeleteI ride my bike on the trails . These guys just want to show off. BTW. luv it when they wipe out into each other and get in a big old fight in the middle of the road.
DeleteFrozen water bottles work well on cyclists.
ReplyDelete525, so do water balloons filled with deer piss (available where hunting supplies are sold). And the smell will last for weeks.
ReplyDeleteGo cleanse your colon and STFU
ReplyDeleteAt least Weinrich Zitzmann Whitehead is no longer officed in the Westwood Police Dept. building. Can you imagine a investment firm that steals money that is in the Police station? Yep, it was!
ReplyDeleteBC Christopher ran circles around those clowns at WZW. Put them under baby! Yeah!
ReplyDelete10:05 nailed it. After the second or third becomes road Pizza, they will find a new Hobby to waste out tax dollars. Same dollars that could be used to benefit poor vs spoiled class. Kc is the Big brother to Lawrence on the Corruption catering scale.
ReplyDeleteNothing says gay, more than shaving your legs to ride a bike with a bunch of spandex sponsor suit wearing "men". Weird
ReplyDeleteThey like big things up their asses.
DeleteWestwood residents used to pay no property tax. United Telecom headquartered there used to pay it all. They it became Sprint, then they left.
ReplyDeleteMary Hudson of Hudson Oil, a crooked company the Feds prosecuted had a headquarters in Westwood. Its gone.
Weindick Zitzface Whitehead investment securities used to have an office there in Westwood till O.R. Securities bought them out. They gone.
Westwood Raquet club used to have a nice place till it started sliding down the hill. But you could eat lunch there, pick up a honey in a tiny tennis outfit and have an afternoon delight, (pre-herpes of course). Now thats gone
Old and I mean real old people drive the streets of Westwood. You get hit and killed riding a bike by a 90 year old and nothing will really happen to them. But you dead.
ReplyDeleteCars really have the right of way.
Weindick Zitzface Blackhead - thats funny. I bought some Micro-Z stock underwritten by Weinrich Zitzmann Whitehead in 1983 and lost all my money. They were jokes. None knew what they were doing. They gone
ReplyDeletehave to reserve judgment til I see it "in the flesh" so to speak.
ReplyDeleteI normally don't route through there much except to connect to belinder and rip it to mission hills...
for cars, yes there is loss of a four lane road, now it is a two lane road, with a turn-lane in the middle. and the lanes are narrower.. for bikes, we gain lanes, but dang this may make 47th street hard to cross because cars will be single-filing very busy and steady instead of more gaps when there are two lanes for cars in each direction. just some thoughts. have to wait to see it in person.
narrowing lanes in general is bad for bikes - i wish bike KC advocates would stop pushing narrowing the roads. it is scary to squeeze thru a skinny spot next to a car, pinched in by some high curbs or something. it is one thing to have to merge with traffic when there is a parked car on the right - hey that's what it is to ride in town. but I hate it when a pinched in curb makes me merge into traffic for no reason.
worried about bikeKC pushing these "behind curb" designs my goodness the new Gilllham lanes are terrible (speaking south of 39th all the way to about where it ends, BrushCreek/ Harrison I think)
dang they ruining my routes. just a street sweeper and pot hole repair crews all over town would do more for cyclists than bike lanes. and don't show me the pictures of the lanes now, or the fancy color renditions -- show me what the lanes look like in five years. they will be full of debris and stuff. bikewalkKC is good at clamoring for public dollars for their projects and consulting fees, but not so keen on organizing volunteers to help clean up the bike lanes we already have.
sorry for ranty post