Kansas Col. Sanders Pushes Back Against Republican Think Tank Science

Here's a valuable info about data and science that your drunk uncle will pretend to understand on Facebook . . . Read more:

KDHE Secretary Dr. Lee Norman speaks out on COVID-19 mask graph, says it was accurate despite claims it was misleading

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - The Kansas Department of Health and Environment says the graph used last week during a news conference may have been confusing, but contends it was accurate. As reported on Saturday, the Kansas Policy Institute accused Dr. Lee Norman of using misleading data that indicated Kansas counties mandating mask wearing were outperforming counties without them.


  1. And Al Gore's hockey stick gloBULL warming graph was dead on balls accurate too. Wanna buy a bridge?

  2. ^^^When you were young, did you ever envision that you would spend your last days on a blog 24/7 instead of living a meaningful life? Where did you go wrong Boomer?

  3. Norman's chart was deliberately misleading. KDHE refuses to say why they doctored the chart with two axes instead of one.

  4. Just wear the fucking mask, it ain't hard man. People will find ANYTHING to piss and moan about.

  5. Wearing a mask is hard. It is uncomfortable. Makes my face feel hot. Makes breathing labored. Leads to coughing. It makes me feel sick when I am not.

  6. If Dr. Norman was working in the private sector he would be fired for using data in that way.

  7. This was a dual axis chart like the ones that show up in the science portion of the ACT. But, hey, you Trumptards go on about misleading charts and fuck all. Fucking Kansas conservatives self owning all fucking day long.

    "I don't need dat der science to know I dun don't need a mask"

    Rather than ask questions and try to learn, the Guy just comes out and and says I hate science and expertise, praise the Lord! (in not so many words).

  8. 9:24 - I'm guessing a. you don't work in science so wouldn't know shit about it and b. you don't hire or fire anyone where you work.

  9. 1:38- I'm guessing a: you don't work, and b: you don't know shit.

  10. 1:37, nobody says that dual axis charts don't have their uses. The claim is that the dual axis chart used by KSDH was misleading.

    Trabert writes that he asked KSDH for data supporting its chart. His request was ignored. So he filed a FOIA request. No response. It is inherently suspicious when a scientist will not share the data underlying the study and its conclusions. Real scientists provide it as a matter of good policy. KSDH must be afraid of something.


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