Show-Me Guv Parson 'Back To School' Coronavirus Comment Push Back

Across the nation . . . The Guv's radio interview comes off as callous . . . Read more:

'They're going to get over it': Missouri Gov. insists kids must go back to school even though 'they will' get COVID-19

WASHINGTON - Missouri Governor Mike Parson, a Republican, downplayed the risk for children who may contract the coronavirus from classrooms during school reopenings, insisting "they're going to get over it." "These kids have got to get back to school," Parson said in an interview Friday with radio host Marc Cox on KFTK.


  1. I died as a kid and mom just told me to walk it off.

  2. Bandit Darville7/21/20, 8:32 AM

    Would mommy and daddy like some cheese to go with their whine?

  3. 8:32 did a haha funny. You guys see that? Most parents aren't super concerned about their kids though there are actual instances where kids have gotten really sick and/or died from the virus. See, sane fucking people don't want their kid bringing a fucking disease home and passing it around to the family.

    See how that works Trumptard?

  4. Bandit Darville7/21/20, 9:04 AM

    OK bed wetter

  5. ^^OK Pants-shitter.

  6. Dear Trumptards,its not the kids we worry about. There are only so many certified teachers and substitutes available that if you kill them off, we wont have enough teachers to keep schools open.

  7. ^^^And while we're at it, please make those teachers who will probably get sick or die buy supplies for their classes. Republicans can't be bothered to pay taxes for any of that shit.

  8. If you are under 75 your chance of dying of covid is the same as being struck by lightning. This is straight off the chart on the CDC website and then compared to lightning strike deaths.

  9. ^^and @11:40AM yet you have zero proof of this as COVID deaths just started in March and are still growing daily now. A 10-grade high school student would tell you your hypothesis & conclusion was flawed because the data set is not complete and constantly changing. No conclusions about Covid mortality can be drawn. If you weren't such a science-denying CHUD, you might know this, but you just proved a point that all Trumptards are fucking idiots. You fucking idiot. Go away. You got run tard. Get your shinebox!

  10. According to the Missouri dashboard there have been a whole 15 deaths of people under 40 during the entire course of the disease so far. The average number of deaths per day have dropped to about two for the entire state, including St. Louis. The data set is pretty conclusive that not only is the disease either going away or becoming less severe and that it barely affects young people.


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