Kansas City Federal Anti-Crime Crackdown Is Different Than Portland Hot Mess

Local activists are busy via social media claiming that they're also being "kidnapped" but so far there isn't any video and only a few social media claims with beautifully written prose . . . Meanwhile, local law enforcement is going out of their way to stress that investigative cooperation over fed patrols that have inspired a great deal of ire.

More info for subscribers here . . .

Federal Anticrime Push in Kansas City Modeled on Prior Efforts as Law-Enforcement Scrutiny Grows

Federal agents gathered recently in a large conference room at Kansas City, Mo., police headquarters, where supervisors took turns describing every shooting that had happened in the city the week before. Suspect photos and crime scene details aired on display screens around them.


  1. it's great to be a national model for crime fighting, not just a leader in crimes committed.

  2. Mayor Lightfoot in Chicago has also welcomed help for that city's overwhelmed police.

  3. Bandit Darville7/24/20, 3:34 PM

    It's amusing as hell to watch these libtards try to fight any attempt to clean up the cluster that they have created. Their standard philosophy is to destroy whatever it takes and fix it when they get control back nationwide. Seem to remember a Euorpean guy with a funny mustache doing the very same thing. Didn't end well.

  4. portland became a hipster model city and was great fun.

    now, apparently quite a few are acting out espoused but never before practiced radical ideas.

  5. Tony: You still pandering to the name calling crowd?

    Libtard? Crap, not even creative.

  6. ^^^ You expect creativity from a Repulsivcan??
    Breitbart hasn't given them any new material to chant since May.

  7. KCMO is a a nationally recognized shit hole. However, we have a lot of work to do to be the # 1 shit hole.

  8. Bandit Darville7/24/20, 6:30 PM

    5:52 and 6:02, thank you so much for displaying your libtard brains on fart huffing!

  9. Burt Reynolds wanna-be @6:30,YOU'RE WELCOME!
    But what you call "fart huffing" is called REALITY outside the tinfoil hat realm.
    Too bad, so sad, now get mad.

  10. Bandit Darville7/24/20, 9:25 PM

    8:32 at least you admit it. That's the first step to solving a your problem.

  11. Bandit Darville7/24/20, 9:37 PM

    Enjoy the flatus bed wetter!

  12. I saw the Fed helicopter flying around ... it’s not KCPD. I’m glad to see them in town arresting murderers. The next time the Mayor kneels should be to Donnie. All of these dumb Democratic Mayors haven’t learned that the crowd they are pandering to turns on them every time... They don’t support you. They want to tear it down .


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