Kansas City Star Rejects Question 1 Fire Department Sales Tax Increase

Now, polling says this thing is a slam dunk . . . But the newspaper offers their two cents about the cost of living increase.

Here's the link test and more info for subscribers:

KC should vote no on Question 1 and reject ill-timed sales tax hike for fire department

Kansas City voters will decide Tuesday if they want to raise sales taxes by one-fourth of a cent until 2036 to pay for updated and upgraded equipment for the city's fire department, including new ambulances. They should vote no on Question 1.


  1. Raise sales tax and keep raising sales tax when you let riots happen to destroy and then keep raising sales tax to cover the cost of a bunch of black thugs living in our country? No Thanks.

    1. The thugs come in all colors. They're called cops. It's an equal opportunity job. It's not their color. Scum comes in every color of the rainbow. You just proved that.

  2. Nothing new under the sun, sales tax is regressive. More overtime paid for on the backs of those least capable to pay.

  3. and yet it p;asses easy. See you at the victory party.

  4. Tired Taxpayer6/1/20, 9:56 AM

    Vote No! Against Quagmire, the clowncil and the developers.

  5. Star against it? Their 4 subscribers probably won't carry the day.


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