For our insomniac locals who might be feeling a bit restless, we share more soothing and inspiring sounds to help TKC readers firmly grasp and a brief moment of respite . . .

Description . . .

"Good things happen when we come together. While our in-person May concert was cancelled, it didn’t stop us from getting together and putting on a show! KCHC members of all ages came together “virtually” to share our music with the KC community and beyond.

"“Ad Astra per Aspera” by Gavin Lendt features 24 KCHC members performing virtually from their homes. The inspiration for the piece came from the motto of the state of Kansas, meaning “to the stars through difficulties.” With everything going on in our nation and the world at the moment, what better song could represent coming together in difficult times. Please enjoy our first ever virtual ensemble! We look forward to seeing you all very soon, stay tuned to see what’s next!"

Take a look & listen . . .

Hopefully, more for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!