He's echoing Prez Trump talking points and talking populism . . . More interestingly, local TV stations are obliged to take his candidacy seriously given the MILLIONS he has spent on advertising over the years.
Take a peek:
Take a peek:
Kansas GOP waits to see whether plumber's Senate bid surges
MANHATTAN, Kan. - The founder of a Kansas City-area plumbing company who's running for an open U.S. Senate seat in Kansas acknowledged that he doesn't know how he'd go about getting a seat on the Senate Agriculture Committee. Bob Hamilton said he's an outsider who will have to be shown "how to do that."
ReplyDeleteSure he's going to play the Trump card he just like the rest of us are sick of the left and their radical way of life.
ReplyDeleteHe probably just lives in a red state, & might as well not run, if he's not going to play the stupid redneck card.
Stupid people can only elect an intelligent man by accident.
We want Kris! Ahab found the white whale. Kris will find voter fraud!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, recent elections show that "the Trump card" has zero spots on it, and a deuce or higher beats it every hand!
ReplyDeleteKind of like Biden's race card?
ReplyDelete3.5 years of Trump rule and the swamp is not yet drained?
ReplyDeleteNo big beautiful southern border wall either.
Snake oil con-artists. MAGA is just a fake slogan.
Playing the Trump card means getting taken in a game of 3 card monty. Again.
Bob the plumber is wasting a whole lot of money.
ReplyDeleteBut at least it's his own.
A primary election is a political party affair and good 'ole Bob hasn't played any role at all in the Republican Party ever.
He needs to call Mike Bloomberg and get some tips.
He would be a great candidate...for 1000 years ago. This guy hasnt let any common sense or science ruin his world views.
ReplyDeleteWith 12 kids, I was hoping he'd write a book about sperm whales or something either directly or very loosely based on creating them.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather vote for Kobach.
ReplyDelete...Guns,god,and schedule 40 PVC, and we know what's in the PVC pipe...he's got his mouth locked onto Trumpoopie's ass.......
ReplyDeleteshould clean it out real good!
Bob Hamilton must have drank a lot of bleach. What a idiot !!! Why in the world do you support trump?? He is a pathological liar, he’s corrupt and inept... Maybe Bob will be pals with & stand with Kim jun un also!!! Or believe Putin over his own intelligence...Bob probably thinks the nazi’s are good people too!!Not to mention his incompetence in handling of the pandemic...Only 1 death and it will magically go away....He takes no responsibility for anything negative on his watch..Blames others or yells fake news!! Cries like a baby, they treat me so bad!!! Yeah Bob you must be drunk!!!