The upcoming 2020 election is likely to be so close that every vote counts.
NOBODY can afford to turn voters away.
Accordingly, we ask our blog community . . .
Here are the latest and the best comments we can find on the topic as the former veep has already apologized . . .
Bad Biden Blunder
Biden: 'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black'
It was then that an aide to the Biden campaign could be heard interjecting into the conversation, attempting to cut short the interview. "Thank you so much. That's really our time. I apologize," the aide said. "You can't do that to black media!" Charlamagne retored.
Voting Bloc Big Picture
Black Americans are in an abusive relationship with the Democratic party | Derecka Purnell
I am very tired of Joe Biden. My vote for him was already hanging by a thread before his disastrous interview with Charlamagne tha God on Friday. Interrupting the Breakfast Club host's explanation that black people needed assurances that our communities will benefit from his presidency, Biden asserted: "If you've got a problem figuring out whether you're for me or for Trump, then you ain't black."
Biden Blunder Backpedal
Biden Campaign Tries to Mop Up After 'You Ain't Black' Gaffe
Just after former Vice President Joe Biden told radio host Charlamagne Tha God that he "ain't black" if he had further questions about whether to support Biden's presidential bid over Donald Trump's, his campaign moved quickly to clarify his comment, saying that he was speaking in jest.
Former Veep Asks Forgiveness
Biden regrets remarks about black support: 'I shouldn't have been such a wise guy'
Former Vice President said Friday that he regrets telling radio host Charlamagne Tha God earlier in the day that if you support "then you ain't black." Speaking on a call with black business leaders, Biden described the remarks as "cavalier" and said he never meant to seem as if he was taking black voters for granted or telling them who they ought to support.
Prez Trump Makes More Professional Pitch
Boasting of His Help, Donald Trump Meets With African American Leaders In Michigan
The president was there to showcase how much he has helped the Black community.
Identity Politics Backfires
Fmr. Obama-Biden official: 'Biden is in no position to determine who is black enough or not'
Patrick Gaspard, president of George Soros's Open Society Foundations and former U.S. Ambassador to South Africa during the Obama Administration, addresses comments made by former Vice President Joe Biden on the Breakfast Club, where he said that "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump then you ain't black."
Postscript: Outrage, Opinion And Perspectives
African American figures slam Biden on 'you ain't black' comments
Former Vice President came under scrutiny from both ends of the political spectrum Friday for saying that if you support "then you ain't black." The presumptive Democratic nominee for president made the remark to Charlamagne Tha God on the popular radio show "The Breakfast Club" earlier in the day.
You decide . . .
Expect President Obama to come back and save him from himself. Don't know if the entire Democratic Party can carry this guy for another 4 & 1/2 years.
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought the geese were bad.
DeleteNo way, they were actually just helping to drown out this guy's mistakes.
DeleteI LOVE that this guy is the Democratic nominee!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait until he starts sniffing his V.P. nominee's hair.
He has pissed off the blacks.
He will piss off the Hispanics when he calls them "beaners".
He has already pissed off women about the sex abuse allegations.
He has the makings of a successful candidate. BWAAAAA...
^^^ Biden never called anyone a "beaner" but you certainly are a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.
DeleteOnce you go you ain’t black, you’ll never go back.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Joe could do his next interview in blackface. That should win them back.
ReplyDeleteSubtle command to get yor black asses back on the porch.
ReplyDeleteBiden will say something even more idiotic before November.
ReplyDeleteWhat a perfect time to end the Democratec party so that there will be nothing to protect the stench known as GOP from the people.
ReplyDeleteBiden you idiot. Why does it have to a battle between the idiot n chief orange dumb dumb and Biden the ex VP. Jesus dems are such pussies, we should've went with Bernie who was highly qualified but no we pick Biden. Biden was only there so older white males weren't scared to vote for a black president. I know Bernie had some wacky ideas but the reps went with Trump, I mean fucking Trump, the orange asshat who tells people to take dangerous drugs grabs pussies steals, cheats, lies and couldn't string together a respectable sentence to save his life. Fucking stupid
ReplyDeleteWhy? Because this is America, where the slightly left of right wing Donkey party has been chasing the asshat, now the facist party to the right for decades. The Guardian has it partly right but it's not just blacks in an abusive co-dependant relationship with the Donkey party.
Delete^^But he is YOUR idiot. Suck it up.
ReplyDeleteI mean, what do you expect from this elderly buffoonish political hack?
ReplyDeleteTrump v Biden
DeleteIdiot bully v Idiot.
ReplyDeleteC'mon..Creepy Joe's not racist -
he's just senile.
I am a black man and I agree with Biden that any black person who votes and supports Trump is not doing so in their own best interest. Trump has practiced racism against black people since he has been in office. I personally hate to see other black people out their supporting the racist Republican party anyway. Read your history black folks, the racist whites joined the republican party back in the 60's because they opposed Johnson's support of the Civil Rights Act. They have been the racist party to this day, which is why NO black person should ever support the republican party. They call themselves the party of Lincoln its should be the party of the KKK.
ReplyDeleteAll true.
DeleteYou are a black man, respectfully, who should know their history a lot better. What exactly did Johnson do for blacks except to cynically exploit their needs to secure a permanent voting bloc, while destroying the black family in the process?
DeleteYou conveniently forget, the Democrats were the party of the KKK.
DeleteSure commenting idiot, cynically exploiting their needs...
OFFICIAL ATTACKS ON THE FAMILY (which you and your family supported) redlining, segregation, draft, WAR ON DRUGS, school to prison pipeline, police brutality.
The southren Democrats put on the longest filibuster in history to stop the vote on the civil rights bill. The Republicans are responsible for breaking the filibuster and getting the bill on LBJs desk. He had no choice but to sign it, or be labeled a racist. Look it up
DeleteWould the next comment be a good place for some Trumpet buffoon to call the totally owned Democratic party subdidary of corporate America a communist front?
ReplyDelete^^^ you can try and deflect from obidengate but you can’t change the post dummy, obidengate has been saying racist crap since at least 2006, he’s a part of a white nationalist group in Delaware so.....
ReplyDeleteHow the fuck is acknowledging the capitalist corporate Whoredom of the DNC (and the GOP obviously) a deflection from Idiot Joe?
DeleteNot everyone is a partison hack like you and Biden.
ReplyDeleteDemosleazeballs have been scamming American blacks for decades..hopefully
Senile Joe's gaffes will wake them up!
What has voting for Biden done for the black community in the last 44 years?
ReplyDelete—Clinton Crime Bill passed
—Three strike law
—Record high food stamp enrollment
—Record high black unemployment
—Record high black imprisonment
Maybe it's time for a change?
“Biden was asked about the legacy of slavery and gave a meandering answer that, in part, lectured black people on their parenting abilities.”
ReplyDeleteHe’s not gonna be able to get much black support after this comment.
“Biden stated that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids”
ReplyDelete“In June, he took fire from fellow 2020 candidates after fondly recalling the civility of the Senate when he worked alongside segregationists.”
ReplyDeleteHe hasn't called them "beaners" in public....YET.
He will come up with a more colorful name for them soon.
Biden does not disappoint.
"in Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."
ReplyDeleteRapey joe is throwing everybody under the racist bus of his!
ReplyDeleteHe thought about it. He reflected on it. He realized it was a mistake. He apologized. He took it back.
He's humble. He's smart enough to know he made a mistake. Also smart enough to know he needed to apologize.
All things this very proud, unthinking current President couldn't, wouldn't do and won't do.
Nice try. Lol
DeleteBiden is a lot of things. A plagiarist. A creepy pedophile. A senile liar. A racist. But he ain’t humble.
DeleteBiden could have gone a lot of different ways:
ReplyDeleteIf you don't shoot someone's baby over a piece of fried chicken, "you ain't black."
If you're not getting welfare and EBT, "you ain't black."
ReplyDeleteIf you aren't the father of ten children by eleven different women, "you ain't black."
ReplyDeleteRacism? Did someone say racism?
Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List, Updated
Deflection and whataboutism fail.
DeleteWe're talking about your awful candidate, not the completely partisan and compromised dumpster fire called the NewYork times.
Just own it. He's absolutely terrible. Trump ain't great, but that doesn't make your rapist, racist, demented candidate any better.
If you would rather work than steal, "you ain't black."
ReplyDeleteFUN, HUH? Add you own!
If you don't smell like an overflowing sewer after bathing, "you ain't black."
ReplyDeleteLest we forget Joe Biden's racist comments about Obama . . . circa 2007
ReplyDelete"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
It's a storybook . . . man . . . for Trump and the Republicans.
One of the previous comments was right; Bernie would have been a much better choice.
It was a joke, thin-skinned and easily duped Deplorable MAGATS ... just like Dear Leader cracks all the time. Put your panties back on.
ReplyDeleteYeah no. Try harder.
DeleteHey 5:04p ... maybe record high black unemployment ... UNTIL TRUMP! There hasn’t been this much unemployment since the Great Depression. MAGA!
ReplyDeleteAfrican Americans don't need to be talked down to about being black by an old white guy.
ReplyDeleteBiden once said "Obama is the first clean African American candidate."
ReplyDelete5:35 Your troll is so weak it’s not funny, really sad is what it is, only the Chinese red death virus and the continued insistence of dimwit politicians keeps the country shut down. There, fispxed it for you CHUD.
ReplyDeleteThe black community has always been the redheaded step child of the democrat party. The dems have always given the blacks the short shrift in the way they actually treat them as opposed to how they pander to them at election time. I am not black but if I were I'd be filled with hatred towards the dems. There is no equality in America for the blacks. They don't deserve the substandard treatment they receive. While laws have been passed to provide equality it is not there as of today because of the democrat party elite. Who passed the civil rights act...republicans. Who created the greatest economy for all minority people in the USA....Trump and the republicans. Who lynched many blacks throughout the south...(KKK) the democrats. I can not believe how they cave into the dems because of the unfulfilled promises and indignation put upon them by the dems. Lie to me once, shame on you, Lie to me twice shame on me. Quit being shamed by the democrat party and Joe Biden !
ReplyDeleteBiden's best chance is to just stop talking for the rest of the campaign.
ReplyDeleteIf you have an IQ above 77, "you ain't black."
ReplyDeleteMore and more of my Black friends have started to leave the Democratic Party.
ReplyDeleteThey have not improved lives while they were in total power.
Under Obama- Blacks’ were marginalized.
Listen to Candace Owens. She is truly getting change done and realizes Democrats are inherently racist.
Even Kanye West knows Biden and Schiff spell disaster for Blacks.
Biden is a racist who will do and say anything to get a vote. Now since he has advanced Alzheimer’s the truth comes out.
Candace is awesome. Incredibly intelligent and thoughtful. Sharp as hell.
DeleteIf you can read, "you ain't black."
ReplyDeleteGoodbye Joe, Me gotta go, Me oh my oh
ReplyDeleteI dont speak for every Black voter but I am voting for Trump, again. I wasn’t ever going to support Biden. Opinion doesn’t make you Black, your genetics do. Both Biden and other Black people are in no position to deny anybody their Blackness or heritage in general. You never hear Whites, Asians, Indians or any other race saying a person isn’t it’s own lineage. It’s the most absurd declaration coming from anyone on planet earth. As soon as he or she utters those words, you know right away that they may not be wrapped to tight.
ReplyDeleteStahp Playing..., you know good and well these local coon-asses all the way down to the school board will be in lockstep support behind this braindead old sack of pus.
ReplyDeleteClyburn has already put a foot in Cleaver's old ass and from there on down to our local Andrew Gillum look-alike mayor.
Joe Biden
ReplyDeleteThe Republican Party's secret weapon.
Biden was a worthless do nothing leftist democrat piece of thieving shit twenty years ago. What the fuck do you liberal idiots out there think he is now. The mother fucker was in China’s pocket and still is he thought Obama care was great because it fucked every citizen in America. He was all in on giving Obama’s Muslim terrorist friends taxpayer money to kill Americans. The piece of shit should be strung up for what he’s done to our country yet you idiot leftist morons out there think he’s great further proof liberals are mentally ill
ReplyDeleteBiden said the N word. People just heard another racist sentence instead, Fuck that Black hating mfer.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't rape your own child, "you ain't black."
ReplyDeleteAfter 44 years what has Biden done for blacks or anyone other than enrich his family.
ReplyDeleteIf this is a quiz, I’m scoring 100%: Not a damn thing!
Delete7:31: Good point, but Republicans changed all that after Nixon. The Republican party has come a long way since emancipation!
ReplyDeleteMo Rage is right. When is the last time anyone heard Trump apologize for anything, including saying Nazis were good people?
ReplyDeleteWhy should he apologize for the constant repackaging of his statements by the compromised media?
DeleteTrump never said Nazis were good people. Don't misquote him for your own selfish reasons. Trump has lowered unemployment for Blacks to epic proportions. He did far more for the job opportunities of Blacks than Obama-Biden ever did.
ReplyDeleteBiden, if elected, would be the first 'head-on-a-post' President. We can only hope he would have capable caretakers.
ReplyDeleteIf you didn't pick the cotton for Joe's Fruit of the looms,you ain't black
ReplyDeleteThe only reason Obama picked Joe for the VP spot was to stop his own assassination by the far far far right. After the election they were going to plot to kill BO but the that would make Biden president. And they thought that would be worse than leaving Obama alone.
ReplyDeleteSomething is up,the Democrats can'tbe thus stupid. How could any person with even half a brain think Biden is going to run for president. Ultimately he will be replaced before the election.
ReplyDeleteAt least he didn't say the blacks run shithole countries.
ReplyDeleteNot sure anyone did.
DeleteLook at my African-American over here...
ReplyDeleteBiden needs to up his game to keep up.
"What do you have to lose?"
ReplyDelete"The situation cannot get any worse, and believe me, I'm gonna fix it. I'm gonna make it so good."
"I'll be able to make sure that when you walk down the street in your inner city, or wherever you are, you're not gonna be shot. Your child isn't gonna be shot."
Amiright KC?!?!
Weak troll is weak. Do better, be funnier.
Delete“You’re living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?”
ReplyDelete“At the end of four years, I guarantee you that I will get over 95% of the African American vote. I promise you.”
9:18: And yet he did, right after Charlottesville. And just this week he said Henry Ford, a notoriously antisemitic Nazi sympathizer and recipient of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle awarded by Hitler, had "good bloodlines." A dog whistle for his base.
ReplyDeleteNah. Just another pants-shitting by the media in the nonstop demonizing of the President. Yawn.
DeleteOBiden is a sick old ass white man who will nevar win the presidency. The only thang worse than rapey joe is the Democrap base of pathetic racist losers